@ebrown p,
That's exactly what I am saying . . . for 8 years, we heard the value of reaching across the aisles which meant that everyone should jump on the bush administration bandwagon.
Well, when do you reach across and when do you hold fast? People running for public office present themselves. The voters hope that what they see is what they will get, however, they have no idea just how much 'tailoring' is behind the image.
During the bush years, the Democrats were good roommates and largely co-operated although some of that co-operation was unrewarded, as was No Child Left Behind.
Obama has been conciliatory in the extreme and alienated much of his electorate. The irony is that although the left sees him as too right of center, too much a Moderate Republican, the right sees him as a socialist.
Granted, both sides should fight.
However, as a society, we often think of a tendency to fight as a character flaw. Well, just as there are times when it is, there are times when not standing up for one's self and one's beliefs is also a character flaw.
During the bush years, reaching across the aisle clearly meant do it our way. I was standing firm against this reaching but there can be a positive meaning of reaching. LBJ, an operator and mover and shaker if there ever was one, used the words of the OT: Come, let us reason together.
If reaching across the aisle is reasoning together, it is fine. If it bowing down to the will of the other, it is not.