Nobody has used the word murder here. Murder is a legal category. Rubes is a category certain people use to try to pretend they are not rubes. The objective is to make out that abortion is okay. Like having a haircut.
Abortion is the deliberate killing, in gruesome circumstances, of the most defenceless form of human life, within the very body designed by evolution to protect it, for somebody's convenience who has clearly been defined as taking part in the act of generation without reference to its consequences and thus simply for selfish gratification. It represents an attack on Motherhood itself. It is misogyny at full pelt. By 2040 the figure will likely be 100,000,000. And fortunes will be generated.
47.5 million abortions since 1973 must leave a lot of Americans, and others, wondering if their parents had considered getting rid of them in a clinic. Even Ovid railed against it before Christianity appeared in the world. And he is a poet whose words will last as long as civilisation does and Setanta's words won't last two minutes.
The Catechism of the Catholic Church states in articles 2271 and 2272 that " abortion willed either as an end or means, is gravely contrary to the moral law. And " Formal co-operation in an abortion constitutes a grave offence". And that " The Church attaches the canonical penalty of excommunication to this crime against human life."
None of which is applicable to non-Catholics and nothing whatever to do with "murder". It wasn't murder when it was illegal.
Anybody "whipping the rubes up to see abortion as murder" is as out on an individual limb as the Milwaukee priest was.
There are less people engaged in that than there are whipping up people to think of abortion as a convenient cosmetic to cover up irresponsible lust.