gunga, you conveniently omitted this part of the quote on the poll.
Quote:Most Americans don't have an opinion about House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, a new CBS News poll finds,
Most Americans just don't know enough about either Pelosi or Reid to have formed an opinion. So, I'm inclined to not put any great weight on their negative poll numbers. I'd certainly expect Republicans not to have a positive view of these two effective Democratic leaders--they constitute a threat to the Republican agenda of blocking legislation.
I think the health insurance reform legislation will help to cast a more favorable spotlight on Nancy Pelosi. She is the first female Speaker of the House, and she has just demonstrated that she is a very strong and capable leader. This sends an important message about the effectiveness of women in major governing and leadership positions. This message certainly resonates with American women, who do feel pride in seeing a capable woman break through another glass ceiling. And, at the very least, it causes men to sit up and take notice. As her role becomes more apparent to the American people, and they learn more about her, I do think her positive poll numbers will rise.