M0stly irrelevant, Mont. You can't see me or otherwise assess the situation when i post as you would be able to do if we were all in a room together. So you have no way of knowing whether or not "steam" were coming out of my ears, or whether she were "pushing my buttons" or not, as you allege. You allege she was unflappable--then you must not have seen her reaction when i told her i would contact the artist whose work she was using for her avatar picture. You must have missed her reaction in her "support our boys in Iraq" threads when i would post Clemens'
The War Prayer. You must have missed my thread "Render unto Caesar" which sucked her in in a predictable heartbeat.
As i said, you have a very selective memory. To that we can add a vivid imagination of what my reactions were (or even now are)--particularly because you can't see me when i react, so you can't possibly know. I see ignorance doesn't deter you, though. You have that in common with youf Miss Sweetness and Light.