Trolls, or trolling behaviour ...how do we deal with these isues as an online community?

Reply Fri 26 Mar, 2010 05:23 am
Yes. I was thinking the very same thing this afternoon, farmer.

Most of the folk who are the most destructive in undermining the progress of threads here I've never seen undertake the task of instigating & maintaining a thread of their own.

I suspect they have no idea of how much work (sometimes) & patience (often) maintaining a good, active thread might involve. Further, they so easily cry "foul" when the thread instigator attempts to keep them on track, or tries to limit their deliberately destructive tactics.

It is so much easier for them to be undermining of other people's efforts than to be creative & constructive in creating threads that actually reflect their own interests & concerns ... whatever they are.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 26 Mar, 2010 05:23 am
msolga wrote:
I’ve been thinking a quite bit about issues raised on this thread & would like to share a few of my thoughts & questions with you all.

One thing I’ve been wondering about is the issue of “personal freedoms” that djjd & others have brought up. I’ve been wondering, amongst other things, if there might be different cultural expectations to such notions. I see lots of references to liberty & freedom of speech here, particularly from some US posters. On a variety of threads, including this one. Whether you want to accept this or not, my concern has never been the nature of ideas exchanged, it is how ideas are actually discussed or debated. Or how people treat each other online, in other words.

I have no problem with posters engaging in a robust exchange of ideas & opinions. But I personally do have a concern when snide personal attacks, particularly combined with little actual substance, substitute for real debate. Especially when a poster (or a group of posters) is using that form of attack against others. Actually a thread where that had occurred was my original motivation for starting this thread. Whether “trolling’ is the correct title for that sort of behaviour or not, I’m actually not certain now, but anyway ....

But back to cultural expectations. Maybe we (or some of us, anyway) have different understandings of what’s OK & what isn’t when exercising our personal “freedoms of expression?
I am an American libertarian, keenly interested in freedom of speech.
That has never included freedom to be rude by going off-topic
with unsolicited personal evaluations and ad hominem acrimony.
Freedom of speech is a limit against government interference with speech.

msolga wrote:
That's something I’ve been thinking about recently. Another thing that I’d sincerely like some of you to enlighten me about, is do some of you actually consider personal attacks to be a fair enough tactic in the process of a debate?
I absolutely DO NOT.
Personal attacks r not relevant to the topic,
in addition to being rude.

msolga wrote:
The reason I ask if there are different attitudes cultural tolerance
of such things is because in my country the ideal of a “fair go” is a pretty strong one. A person using (what would be considered) underhanded tactics in an attempt to “win”, rather than prevailing by superior skills, would be considered to be “playing the man & not the ball” (to use a football analogy Smile )

But perhaps you consider expectations of online exchanges an entirely different thing to "real life" encounters? I don't.
I don 't either.

msolga wrote:
The point I would like to make, whether such tactics are considered acceptable or not in a debating situation, is that not all people see such tactics as acceptable, or are comfortable with them. Possibly it turns them off participating if they think they may be the subject of such attacks, too? Is that worth considering, if you have an “anything goes” approach to debating here? Are the concerns of those people any less important than yours?
I reject the "anything goes" notion.

msolga wrote:
I get rather weary of the arguments that exercising some basic civility towards others (especially if you are involved in discussion with them) will somehow make the debate less vigorous, less relevant or something .... or that this expectation will somehow make the debate too “politically correct”, or is an exercise in "control", a restriction of “rights”, or that you are being “censored” or something .......
I have never taken that point of vu, tho I reject being "politically correct" and
I usually endeavor to be politically rong.

msolga wrote:
But that might be just my view. You can accept it or not, but controlling what people actually have to say, holds little interest for me. If I disagree with what you say, I will disagree with you & tell you what my opposing view is ... unless of course I’m going to be personally insulted for having the views I hold. THEN I will probably vote your post down, rather than encourage even more of such responses from you. These days I would probably put you on ignore, too, rather than engage in some endless crapping match with you.
Ignore is a good idea.

msolga wrote:
PLEASE NOTE: I am referring to overt posting aggression here, not passionate debating of issues.

Reply Fri 26 Mar, 2010 05:30 am
....I reject being "politically correct" and
I usually endeavor to be politically rong.

You just made me laugh, David. (in a good way! Smile )

That's funny!
Reply Fri 26 Mar, 2010 05:36 am
Have you considered that as your signature line?
Reply Fri 26 Mar, 2010 05:48 am
Somehow I missed this before.
Good post, farmer.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 26 Mar, 2010 05:56 am
msolga wrote:
Have you considered that as your signature line?
No, but I 'm gonna need a new one soon,
for the same reason that I don 't still rant n rail against the commies.
Gun control is collapsing all around America, as fast as communism did in Europe.
Dead = Dead.

As I loved watching the end of communism in the late 1980s
n early 1990s, so I am thrilled with watching the death of gun control.
It really brings a lot of new HAPPINESS into my life.

Anyway, since I 'm getting more n more and everything of what I 've wanted,
I 'll soon need a new signature line.

Reply Fri 26 Mar, 2010 05:57 am

There you go again, David.

Consider the signature line, anyway.
Reply Fri 26 Mar, 2010 06:00 am

Maybe I coud say something about Castle Doctrine,
but half of America has already adopted THAT too,
and it has the BIG MO. . . : its moving right along,
so it woud be semi-obsolescent. Think . . . think . . . think.

0 Replies
Reply Fri 26 Mar, 2010 06:01 am
U bring me happiness, Olga.

Reply Fri 26 Mar, 2010 06:03 am
Oh I know I do, David!
0 Replies
Reply Fri 26 Mar, 2010 06:23 am
Ah. But can you understand at all, Aidan, that a person can reach a point where they've had more than enough dialogue with someone who's causing constant problems through very nasty behaviour?

Yeah, I guess the problem you and I might have in terms of coming to any agreement is defining what 'very nasty behavior' consists of.

If someone doesn't bend to my will or the will of the 'majority' in terms of discussion, I don't call that 'nasty behavior' - I call that life.

Who is causing constant problems? And in the scheme of things, in terms of what we're doing here, how big can the problem actually be?

Sometimes these out of nowhere interjections on threads can serve the purpose of a) reviving a dying thread by helping it head in another direction of discussion that hasn't been covered yet or b)adding comic relief.

And perception is everything. Gus does the same thing on threads that Spendius and oolongteasup does - drops in with an interjection - so does Dys- so does dj- I can think of any number of people who are 'allowed' to do that without being named trolls. That's why I don't call any of these people trolls- because by my own sense of fairness if I were to call one of them a troll, I'd have to call all of them trolls.

And, to me, in such circumstances, a thumbs down or an "ignore" is a perfectly reasonable response.

I don't know - I don't like rating people. I'm just philosophically against it. It reminds me of when I was in college and you'd have to walk through the gauntlet of guys to get in the cafeteria knowing they were assigning you a number (in terms of attractiveness) behind your back.

I'm much more comfortable saying to someone when they post something - here's what I think of what you just said- or even- I don't think I like what you just said, but I'm gonna give you the benefit of the doubt - so can you explain that further?

Because there is a tag team mentality to some of this stuff sometimes- tag team as in using the 'power' in numbers to overpower what might be the legitimate thoughts and ideas of certain people.

Reply Fri 26 Mar, 2010 06:25 am

Mny who claim "underhanded exclusionary tactics" dont start many threads.
I've started seventy-seven.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 26 Mar, 2010 06:25 am
Mny who claim "underhanded exclusionary tactics" dont start many threads.
I've started seventy-seven. I guess I just don't have my thumb on the pulse of what's popular to most people- as a lot of my totally innocuous and positive threads have been rated 0 by someone or another - I have no idea who.
But that doesn't keep me from continuing to participate. I have another thread idea ruminating right now, as a matter of fact.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 26 Mar, 2010 06:32 am
The problem with this ssential belief is that many times a participant carries it into a thread that , by its stated purpose,should provide no opportunity to exude testosterone.

I don't see any possibility of avoiding the exuding of testosterone. Or oestrogen for that matter. Or culture. Or personal circumstances. Such things come with the territory. I would maintain that all three are evident in, say, the writings of Prof Dawkins. And of Charles Darwin. And I am glad of it because otherwise we would all sound like Daleks. Complaining about those things is as daft as complaining about the weather. You, farmerman, exude testosterone like a sponge being squeezed out by a washerwoman.

Thre are many topics that an author wishes to have a technical discussion about a topic.

Then the author is in the wrong place to discuss it if it is required that there are no interruptions or jests or whatever. This forum is in the entertainment business. Generally, the display of technical expertise is testosterone driven. Strutting the stuff. And you, farmerman, are in the front rank at that, if not Top Dog.

The usual run of threads is that , depending on the immediate interest, some person, with hormonal based opinions jumps in and adds nothing except vitriol and some whacky beliefs that, jut because theyve said it, it must be correct.

And you are a champ at that too. Your idea of "whacky" is nothing but that--your idea of whacky. Any argument built on your idea of whacky is, by definition, circular.

Then, if the person is criticized (usually politely at the outset), the poster will fly off the handle and, still dead wrong, start hurling epithet in place of evidence.

Which is your forte and goodstyle. And you also encourage others to do it who are on your side in an argument. The evolution threads provide hundreds of clear cut examples.

I know that in my discussion about "Overfishing"I drew in a couple of that kind and , whhile I actually love the insane give and take, I begin to wonder whether , for the good of the overall thread,I shouldnt just put the seriously mental offenders on ignore.

You have done. You have not only put people on Ignore, you have boasted of doing so and used the boast as if it was a clinching argument. Your argument about "Overfishing" deserved to be challenged. It ran counter to Darwinian science and to economic theory. Your use of "inane", just like your use of "whacky" gives you entirely away. You simply assume, and expect others to assume, that both designations are correct and it always turns out that the whackies and inanities are offering disagreement with your position. You then move to the position that once defined by you as whacky and inane they are beneath your contempt and require no response from you. Which leads to a strong suspicion that you designated them whacky and inane because you needed an excuse to not reply because you had no reply. You do it all the time fm. You're doing it here.

When a poster , obviously uninformed by several basic standards of measurement, will become belligerently and openly hostile to anyone who attempts to correct them.

Here you go again. "Obviously uninformed" Another assertion. "Several basic standards of measurement" are sure to be those that are congruent with your own position. Everytime. And hostility, once got started, can often not be traced to its beginning because it is too much trouble and thus the charge can easily be levelled by those who started it at those who counterpunched. That implies that the originator of the hostility had thought of others as a punchbag and is outraged that they are not.

Is it the poor medium which only allows a "first draft" method of communication? or are the readers of the belligerent posts interpreting the poster incorrectly.

It's the usual tale. Forceful disagreement is simply declared "belligerent". And "first draft" is chosen. Write and punch. I edit all my posts. It is obvious you don't. Having problems typing does not mean there are problems reading and correcting.

I know in the case of IONUS, he was as technically deficient as could be and I dont think anyone would deny it.

I will deny it. You're again using the expression " technically deficient" in the same circular manner as "whacky" and "inane" and in the hundreds of similar usages you have thrown at me over the years. Possibly thousands.

Yet he was quickly and openly hostile and was totally involved in homespun invective in a vain hope that he could use testosterone to carry his argument.

There again. It is just blithely assumed Io started the head butting. He may have done. I don't remember. But I'm not about to assume it on your say-so. He might easily have become frustrated at your style of argument. Which is to use words with a negative connotation about others as if they are true and which fit in with your argument.

All it did was to ahut off any continued interest in that thread, because I did the inexcusable by engaging IONUS with an equal amount of vitriol. (Rule one in debating the Phillistines is NOT to act like a Philistine)

In which case your interest couldn't have been all that strong in the first place. And your twee self-flagellation and your personal definition of "Philistine" is neither here nor there. (btw--a Philistine was a person from the coastal plain of Palestine in ancient times who was considered by others as uncultured. Io is obviously not one. Matthew Arnold said that the word was not used in English because we have so many philistines here. And Fowler suggests the lower case as in brussel-sprouts or french-windows.)

Until last year,We used to have a poster named real life who, although "uninformed" by any scientific standard, was really correct in preaching his worldview.

That is what we call "damning with faint praise". The compliment is intended to ease the pain as the stiletto (uninformed) is slipped into the rib cage.

AND, he did it in an unsettlingly polite manner.

One might wonder what unsettled you about rl's posts. Could it be that his "uninformed" worldview resulted in civilised behaviour and thus implying that an informed scientific worldview led to the opposite as when Prof Dawkins referred to some other academic as "below an earthworm".

I think that a good opponent poster is one who is visibly unflapped and remains totally polite , even in their rebuttals of anothers insults.

The punchbag returns.

In my mind, there are only 3 people on the entire board who are able to maintain disturbing politeness while being yelled at, and they are Msolga Joe Nation and Dave.

You are joking aren't you? What you need fm is a sheepdog to help you round up a claque. The three you referred to are not as docile as you seem to think.

There are actually very few trolls. Spendi and Oolongteasup come closest because they merely post something (often clever)that contains a simple appeal to the audience that says "Hey, notice me, IM HERE TOO".
Those kinds of trolls are harmless and easily absorbed into a discussion. On the occasions that one of them actually makes sense or is engaging the topic (no matter how often one claims that all his posts are on topic), he is actually answered as if all his posts were constructive and relevant. I find that (after 5 years) , that whenever spendi tries to derail a thread, the best thing to do is just go afield and let the thread come back on its own. If I were to hop in and comment or criticize, I would become the focus of , say, spendis comments for as many posts as I could last.

Pure, self-serving bullshit from first to last.

ASo, the art of polite unflapped rebuttal, and judicious application of"ignore" are learned skills in this board.

I'll never learn to use Ignore. It is a pure cop-out. It flags up insecurity. It allows people to pick and choose which arguments to answer and places the easy ones into dartboard mode. As Thomas does. And Setanta. And some others. It's pathetic. But it is certainly judicious.

0 Replies
Reply Fri 26 Mar, 2010 06:51 am
Who is causing constant problems?

I'd prefer not to get into naming names. The folk I'm talking about know who I'm talking about. That's enough for me.

And in the scheme of things, in terms of what we're doing here, how big can the problem actually be?

Well, as I said in my opening post, such folk can seriously derail a thread. That may not seem such a big deal to some A2Kers, but it is to me. And, I'd suspect, some others as well. Participation in particular threads of interest is one of the main reasons I've stayed involved in this site for this length of time. I doubt I'm alone in that.

I understand about the "cut & thrust of debate" & also how some folk rather enjoy the spectacle of a bit of an online stoush ... but me, I would really like to see a bit more support for the people who actually make the effort to create & maintain some of the "meatier" threads here, too.

Apart from that, deliberately attempting to undermine any poster's confidence by snide, sometimes quite vicious personal attacks, is pretty damn offensive & cowardly. Well I think so, anyway.
I'm also concerned about a side-effect of overt aggression which I mentioned earlier today - that some posters could well be discouraged from participating in discussions, because they feel could also be the target of aggression.

But I feel I'm repeating myself ... sorry. I've probably said more than enough for today.
Reply Fri 26 Mar, 2010 07:04 am
It would be nice if we might have examples of threads being derailed. Simply asserting that they have been derailed is ignorance of the highest order.

It's the same with the "The folk I'm talking about know who I'm talking about".

I don't know who Olga is talking about and I see no reason for not naming them if they can be shown to have derailed a thread.

Otherwise we end up with derailing a thread equating to not agreeing with Olga. Then that is used as an excuse to resort to Ignore and that results in Olga having the floor to herself in her own room. And that, seemingly, is enough for her. And if that's not trolling I would like to know what is.
Reply Fri 26 Mar, 2010 07:08 am
spendius wrote:
It would be nice if we might have examples of threads being derailed. Simply asserting that they have been derailed is ignorance of the highest order.

It's the same with the "The folk I'm talking about know who I'm talking about".

I don't know who Olga is talking about and I see no reason for not naming them if they can be shown to have derailed a thread.

Otherwise we end up with derailing a thread equating to not agreeing with Olga. Then that is used as an excuse to resort to Ignore and that results in Olga having the floor to herself in her own room. And that, seemingly, is enough for her. And if that's not trolling I would like to know what is.
I think that her point is that she is trying to encourage politeness.

Reply Fri 26 Mar, 2010 07:12 am
Apart from that, deliberately attempting to undermine any poster's confidence by snide, sometimes quite vicious personal attacks, is pretty damn offensive & cowardly. Well I think so, anyway.

So do I. But I've never seen spendius or oolongteasup or ramafuchs do such a thing. On the other hand, I've seen very well-established and popular posters engage in that very behavior without any label being assigned. That's where my confusion lies.

I'm also concerned about a side-effect of overt aggression which I mentioned earlier today - that some posters could well be discouraged from participating in discussions, because they feel could also be the target of aggression.

I think that's true as well- but again - I don't think spendius and oolongteasup and ramafuchs et al. convey that sort of demeanor - although there are others who do.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 26 Mar, 2010 07:17 am
I think that her point is that she is trying to encourage politeness.

Sorry David - but I can't let go by the fact that Farmerman thinks you always remain unflappable and never lose your cool....I LIKE you for goodness sake and even I've been somewhat astounded at the things you've said to certain posters at certain times. Laughing Laughing
I'm not naming names either - except that I think he should give your spot on the throne of inflappability to Swimpy or Engineer or Firefly...sorry - but I'd have to dethrone you. Laughing Laughing Laughing
Reply Fri 26 Mar, 2010 07:23 am

Apart from that, deliberately attempting to undermine any poster's confidence by snide, sometimes quite vicious personal attacks, is pretty damn offensive & cowardly.

"deliberately attempting to undermine any poster's confidence by snide, sometimes quite vicious personal attacks" means Dave--not agreeing with Olga.

And that is automatically " pretty damn offensive & cowardly".

As I said--Yeah--well.

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