Quote: In a democracy expression of opinion and freedom of religion are foundational. Why is this only a problem in the USA ?
Well, the US IS NOT a democracy and besides, we have spent a lot of time in our first semester of being to develop a strong constitution that lays out our immutable rights and our Congresses, even though they sometimes exceed these Rights, our SUpreme Court usually reigns them in.
You have to accept that our way of governance requires careful and continued reviews based upon the framers work. What other countries do is only of interest to them, not to us(except to serve as bad examples).
We borrowed heavily from previous works and constitutional documents and we sought to adopt what was good in them and to reject the mistakes that , say, Magna Carta had made.
Britain hs a state religion, we do not. QWe reject anything that smacks of state religions and any of this Creationism trying to make its way into curricula is merely one minority religious opinion trying to wiggle its worldview into our schools.We vigorously fight that cause we dont want to support a particular worldview, we thereofre fight agains ALL religious worldviews in our public schools. WE DO allow those so inclined to start thewir own schools as long as they meet the requirements for ed units established by eah separate state.
Its really not difficult to understand or accept and it makes us unique (except for other countries that maintain similar separations of churches and states)
Quote: (were Englih) And proud of it. Why ? Do you wear a pikelhaub ?
No, we dont , but neither do we wear redcoats or buffeteer silly hats. WE managed to kick those pompous lemmings out of our country over 200 years ago, deal with it.