Cut your potatoes into chunks that , each of which has two or more "eyes"
Let em dry out in a box for a few days, or sprinkle themwith sulfur or a herbicide powder ofr taters (I just let mine dry out)
SDig a shallow trench so that each potato is about a foor apart.(Do this when the soil is beginning todry, just so its not really muddy.
Place your sections cut side down a foot apart and then cover with a generous amount of straw in each plant area. (A bale does about 30 ft row). Let em grow and keep an eye on them for any insecr damage.
PS, Never plant taters in the same area that you did last year. There are all sorts of diseases that carry over and this year early blight will, once again, attack solenaceous plants (taters, Tomatoes, Peppers, eggplant).
I think that dys had always planted his this way.