Despite the fact that we've been married for 20 years, Mr. B still prefers that I remove my boots and gloves before coming to bed.
The snakes don't bother me much when they stay in the potatoes, it's when the cat brings the snakes in that I have a problem.
I think I figured the snake situation out today! My neighbors did some planting along the fence -- I think the snakes lived on their side before the digging/planting happened. I found a rather large tunnel, maybe 3" around, coming from their side into my garden today.
Dlowan is right -- I'd be all "where's my snakes" if something happened to them at this point. As long as they don't get big enough to eat the cat I'll deal with them.
Speaking of the cat.... my neighbor suggested to me that I should attach one of those tiny cameras to her collar (first I'd need to get her to wear a collar without hating the world about it) that took a photo every few minutes.
It seems that Biscuit does a 45 minute stroll through her yard each morning. My back fence neighbor considers Biscuit her kid's pet (since she won't get them a pet) and my next door neighbor, left, spends hours petting Biscuit while my next door neighbor, right, has spotted Biscuit roaming through her house. I've notice that Biscuit prefers the porch two doors down for napping, and the fence four doors down for watching the school yard action. She also attends the daily fetch between the dog and me and, of course, is always somewhere catching but not killing something.
My cat's life is more interesting than mine.