OmSigDAVID wrote:
Irishk wrote:ETA: We don't feed our dog anything but dry dog food...
and every once in a while a steak bone or one of those big bones from the butcher.
My aunt got some bones for her dog from the butcher.
She made the mistake of telling him that the bones were for her dog, instead of "
soup bones."
She said that since the butcher thought thay were "only" for a dog, he gave her some bones that proved to be unhealthy,
with disastrous effects on the dog 's health.
The moral of the story is:
don 't tell the butcher that the bones are for a dog.
I'm sorry to say we didn't heed your advice. We gave our Jack a steak bone last Saturday night and he was ill for three days. Just at the moment I convinced Mr.Irish we needed to take him to the vet, he perked up and started acting like his old self. Scary, indeed.
I think the problem is he doesn't just 'chew' on the bones, he EATS them. He may have gotten some bone pieces in his intestines and that's what caused his stomach distress. Just a guess...I'll be asking the vet the next time we take him in for a checkup. Anyway, no more bones for Jack (and he dearly loves and looks forward to them)