@Robert Gentel,
Very happy that you are feeling better. The fever scared me. While I know you to be smart as a whistle, I didn't know if you were keen at the moment on how dangerous it could have been.
I was that sick once. Found out I had pneumonia, strep and bronchitis all at the same time due to the season, stress and lack of sleep. (Well, really due to some mean little bugs as we all know, but I had made myself the perfect host and the immune system couldn't knock 'em all back on its own.)
So, are you and the doc comfortable with a diagnosis of probable allergic reaction? Or, did I misread that? I'd sure wanna know what I came in contact with that caused my body to react that way.
I'm hearing you on the universal health care. I thought we had public hospitals of a sort while I was growing up. I didn't hear of large corporate buy ups of hospitals until the mid to late 80's. At that time they were buying up what I knew to be the hospitals that took in those that couldn't pay. Perhaps the overcharging of those with insurance to cover those without was taking place then, too. I don't know. I thought there were state and / or federal funds (likely just state now that I think about it) that helped cover the "public hospitals" I'm remembering.
Anyway, I started this not to alarm anyone or be an alarmist, but rather to hopefully hear from someone you may have contacted from here that you were okay. I did have the thought that afterwards you might feel a bit silly.... then I figured the benefits of you knowing we care about you and were all wishing you well would outweigh. And, hey. a little silly is good as you've already admitted. : )
Again, I'm happy to hear you are feeling better. Sounds like it was quite a ride. To top it off with Taco Bell ... priceless.