naj, Your statement, "But, seen from this point of view, capitalism is "an abomination" itself, since the basics behind it have the seeds for creating an unbalanced society of a (semi)poor workerclass and rich "bosses", where the latter will try at all cost to increase their wealth, if necessary at the expense of groups situated lower on the social ladder." I disagree. It depends upon whether opportunity to advance within its society is provided to all participants. Only those that are unable to advance to meet their potential should be granted societies support, such as the disabled and mentally retarded. Only lazy people unwilling to work hard enough to advance will call it "an abomination." The US represents a country that provides for equal opportunity. Those calling this country "an abomination" are too lazy to make the effort to succeed. c.i.
Yes, but was Hitler good for the world in any way?
Steve, If you go back a few posts back, I already said "Hitler was not good in any way." c.i.
so did I right at the start
c.i., I dare to say that there is no capitalist society, or ever will be a capitalist society, where there is "equal opportunity", as you put it, for everyone. That's an ideal. There are succes stories about people who get to the top from owning nothing. Accounting for their huge ambition and tireless drive to succeed, I believe such people also had lady luck on their side. As long as luck remains a factor, how could there be equal opportunity? From the total of American presidents, how many became so and used to be dirt poor? And how many came from a rich family?
But this is, as Steve so tactfully put it, straying from the topic.
And before I could answer whether Hitler was good for the world in any way, I would like to know what is precisely understood under the nomer good. However, my first inclination is to say that he was FAR worse for the world then he was good, if he was good. But the world of this day would be different, far different, if it hadn't been for Hitler(amongst others of course). For one thing, would the A-bomb have been developed when it was? Or, would Israel exist today? It's not an easy question to answer, if one looks at it from this point of view.
naj, It seems all me that all my siblings and I were "lucky" - according to your thesis. We come from a a very modest background, and also the stigma of being Japanese-American. You would understand what I mean if you've lived in this country for over half a century. There is no such animal as a "perfect" anything concerning political or economic systems, and never will be. As for "equal opportunity," the US is as close to providing it to their citizens than anywhere else in this world - as far as I'm concerned. My brother is not the president, but he was sworn in last week as an Assemblyman in our state of California. That's pretty good in my books. c.i.
Please don't take it personal c.i. I don't mean any offense, it's just my opinion of things. I don't know your history or that of your family, so I cannot say anything about you. I'm not belittling your effort, or the efforts of your family. I'm sure you worked hard. I'm sure you had ambition. I said there is a factor of luck, perhaps only a lucky break. But one has to work as well, and be willing and able to take that chance and run the distance with it.
"Was Hitler good for the World in any way?"
Worm food!
was going to say Eureka! someone has given a positive answer.
But then wasn't his body soaked in petrol and burned? Perhaps not even palatable worm food!
Even worms would have gotten sick!
Even worms leave cremated human remains alone. BillW, I admire your attempts to find something good about Hitler, but I really think it's a losing proposition. Ashes to ashes, earth to earth.... I've seen Hitler's bunker in Berlin, and the hill was pretty big! c.i.
My hearing aid was turned down , who was a big heel?
Now, if the worms attacked his ashes.... c.i.
BillW, pardon the sidetrack. Do you agree with Jefferson's dictum, "Ignorance is preferable to error" even when we say that we learn from our errors (but not from our ignorance)?
JLNobody, this is a philosophical topic that would deserve its on thread and as all subjects in this area, has many a tangled web. One reply would lead to another, while bending to another, while coming out with a group of other conclusions.
Many people speak of ignorance as if it is a fault. I know little or nothing of nuclear physics. However, my 17 year son knows everything about everything and if you go to him, he will give you an answer. But, in not knowing the answer and then giving an answer he is further away from the truth than if he had said nothing.
The phrase you pick up on is part and parcel of the entire. It is meant to generate thought, there is no right or wrong answer - accept where one attempts to make as truth what he is ignorant about. We learn by being taught and by error - yes definitely. But it is wrong to make what is unknown - truth.
Do we want to take the chance that a plumber is a good brain surgeon because they use many of the same tools and theories? We could after all, suffer through a few of their "errors" while they learn.
Yes, I agree with it as a philosophical quote. I don't believe that Jefferson would ever say, "Don't go out there learn and make errors in your training while learn - instead, stay in your room and vegetate!
Thanks for allowing me the opportunity to expound on my thoughts on this quote.
i am not sure about this but i seem to remember he came up with the VolksWagon, also not so sure if that was good or not.
oh, and hey i believe it was Dr. Porshe that built tanks for him and where would our yuppies be today without those?
Willie Porsche developed what would become the Volkswagen, and he also developed a good many other things, after the Nazis rolled into Czechoslovakia, and Hitler handed the big Czech industrial concern, Skoda, to Willie, on the old, tried and true silver platter.
dys, What other car can one common person pull the engine and rebuild it on their dining room table for less that $400.00? Of course, this has too be done every other month - Ha. It also goes a whole long ways on just a little gas.
Uh..Bill,...could you elaborate? (kidding,kidding
