That's it Bill, give yourself a sound slap on the wrist!
I would never deny that the US has had an aggressive, expansionist, militaristic foreign policy practically from the beginning--from the Mexican War onward at any rate. But that doesn't lessen the charge against Germany under Bismarck, Kaiser Wilhelm, and finally Hitler. Walter Hinteler will now probably dispute German war guilt for World War One, which to me is irrefutable: if Germany had not backed Austria, there could never have been a world war. And let me remind all of you that World War One far outstripped World War Two in terms of British, French, and Austrian casualties. It was a bloodbath. And it was the fault of Kaiser Wilhelm's reckless foreign policy.
larry, Here's a link that may support your claim.
Go to Preface after it loads.
I'm just waiting to see how we circle back to the subject. (Yes I'm guilty of digression too.)
Booman, You guilty of "digression? Naw......

Was Hitler good for the World in any way?
My boss says, "No, he should have been assinated back in the 30's and that is all there is too it!"
You seem to think highly of your boss' opinion Bill, is that Mrs. W?
That's one of them - but, at that time my real boss was standing there and I as her, her opinion. Now it is a part of history!
If Hitler had been assassintatedback in the Thirties, there would have been no Holocaust and hence no State of Israel. Since I am not a supporter of the State of israel, this would have been a better outcome than what the world got...the Holocaust and today's perpetual guilt trip laid on all gentiles by Jews who are busy gunning down pregnant Arab women to make the West Bank safe for real estate development.
I thought about this the other day and pondered if I would make an attempt to knock him off if I had the benefit of a time machine. Aside from the inherent dangers of a paradox precluding my return, I thought about how his reign impacted the US. It is not clear to me that the Civil Rights Movement would have occurred without Hitler's role in Germany.
At the time of his rule, America was hardly a democracy. There were still thousands of blacks who were actually born during slavery and there were no provisions that allowed them to participate in the political or economic life of the nation. In addition, there was no involvement by blacks in the American military.
Executive Order 8802 was not yet signed. There were numerous conflicts across the nation - just as WWI had led to race riots. It seems to me that the moral paradox of the US intervening in WWII accelerated the Civil Rights Movement, the activism of A. Philip Randolph and others. The Montgomery bus boycott was years away, but significant progress was made in the 1940's in large part due to the activism of black soldiers who participated in WWII.
He certainly gave the world a great image of what NOT TO DO
WITH ONE'S LIFE! I think that is about it. It may be
that his girlfriend, Eva Braun sp? might have added a
few things to the conversation ... but then, she would
have been decidedly biased.
How long were Eva & Adolph an item. Any chance he was another poor schlubb, with a gift of gab, and an ambitious woman behind him? (Hey...I'm just musing here...It's your fault Babs, you planted the seed.

He created a marker for us to judge how low world leaders have gone - such as GW Bush.
The civil rights movement in the US would most probably have happened with or without WWII...the NAACP had already been founded by that time.
WELCOME Idunno7,
...In this instance, that name is quite fitting.
...Ever hear of the Tuskeegee Airmen?...Never lost a man.
Try this:
just thinking. if hitler had been killed, alot of deaths would have been prevented during that world war. however, sooner or later another guy would have eventually become power hungry and start the whole thing again,with better technology and more lethal killing weapons. it was better for hilter to "end" the whole thing once and for all.