Marijuana: Does it kill brain cells or does it affect only the lungs?

Reply Sun 21 Feb, 2010 02:56 pm
But a person who smoked a joint during their break will most likely give out the fact that he did so by being slow, sluggish, inattentive, or whatever else a person might feel when they are high. If cigarettes don't affect the brain the way marijuana does, I believe that concludes that marijuana has more of an effect, and therefore, more damage.

Sorry but that is not true either as I had watched with some little amazement more then once some of my fellow engineering students during a break in a three hour night class on Maxwell’s' equations come back and function without any problems in class after sharing a smoke.

If you know anything at all about Maxwell field equations you would know that it can involved integrating in 3 dimensions very complex formulas.

This was also in the days of slide rulers where there was no help other then integration tables in the CRC handbook.

My drug of choice at the time in dealing with this night class was caffeine one hell of a lot of caffeine.

Side note the class was so very long because our professor was working with NASA on the problem of maintaining contact with space capsules during reentered and he only had this time available per week to teach this course. I still have nightmares about the course.

Reply Sun 21 Feb, 2010 03:08 pm
Oooh! Oooh! Lookee what I found..... (in another old thread about marijuana)

Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers & Prevention Vol. 8, 1071-1078, December 1999
© 1999 American Association for Cancer Research

Marijuana Use and Increased Risk of Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Head and Neck1
Zuo-Feng Zhang2, Hal Morgenstern, Margaret R. Spitz, Donald P. Tashkin, Guo-Pei Yu, James R. Marshall, T. C. Hsu and Stimson P. Schantz
Department of Epidemiology, University of California at Los Angeles School of Public Health, and Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center, Los Angeles, California 90095-1772 [Z-F. Z., H. M.]; Departments of Epidemiology [M. R. S.] and Cell Biology [T. C. H.], The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas 77030; Department of Medicine, University of California at Los Angeles School of Medicine, Los Angeles, California 90095 [D. P. T.]; New York Eye and Ear Infirmary, New York, New York 10003 [G-P. Y., S. P. S.]; and Arizona Cancer Center, Tucson, Arizona 85724 [J. R. M.]

Marijuana is the most commonly used illegal drug in the United States. In some subcultures, it is widely perceived to be harmless. Although the carcinogenic properties of marijuana smoke are similar to those of tobacco, no epidemiological studies of the relationship between marijuana use and head and neck cancer have been published. The relationship between marijuana use and head and neck cancer was investigated by a case-control study of 173 previously untreated cases with pathologically confirmed diagnoses of squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck and 176 cancer-free controls at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center between 1992 and 1994. Epidemiological data were collected by using a structured questionnaire, which included history of tobacco smoking, alcohol use, and marijuana use. The associations between marijuana use and head and neck cancer were analyzed by Mantel-Haenszel methods and logistic regression models. Controlling for age, sex, race, education, alcohol consumption, pack-years of cigarette smoking, and passive smoking, the risk of squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck was increased with marijuana use [odds ratio (OR) comparing ever with never users, 2.6; 95% confidence interval (CI), 1.1"6.6]. Dose-response relationships were observed for frequency of marijuana use/day (P for trend < 0.05) and years of marijuana use (P for trend < 0.05). These associations were stronger for subjects who were 55 years of age and younger (OR, 3.1; 95% CI, 1.0"9.7). Possible interaction effects of marijuana use were observed with cigarette smoking, mutagen sensitivity, and to a lesser extent, alcohol use. Our results suggest that marijuana use may increase the risk of head and neck cancer with a strong dose-response pattern. Our analysis indicated that marijuana use may interact with mutagen sensitivity and other risk factors to increase the risk of head and neck cancer. The results need to be interpreted with some caution in drawing causal inferences because of certain methodological limitations, especially with regard to interactions.

Taken from Aidan's post here: http://able2know.org/topic/126969-1
0 Replies
Reply Sun 21 Feb, 2010 03:13 pm
BillRM said,
Sorry but that is not true either as I had watched with some little amazement more then once some of my fellow engineering students during a break in a three hour night class on Maxwell’s' equations come back and function without any problems in class after sharing a smoke

Well, yeahhh, if it something they do every few hours and their body is simply used to it, or even dependent on it, then of course they will function alright, or even slightly between with marijuana in their system.

Reply Sun 21 Feb, 2010 03:21 pm
Well, yeahhh, if it something they do every few hours and their body is simply used to it, or even dependent on it, then of course they will function alright, or even slightly between with marijuana in their system.

Amazing you are dead center on one opinion and no facts or studies or logic is going to change that opinion in the least.

Reply Sun 21 Feb, 2010 04:52 pm
Avoiding marijuana after developing schizophrenia also helps reduce relapse rates. Some people with schizophrenia suggest that it makes them feel better, but if depression is an issue we recommend these people talk to their Psych-Doc about possible anti-depressant use rather than street drugs.

Professor Castle, author of the book Marijuana and Madness, has said that those people with this "psychotic proneness" were those who had a family history of mental illness or who had had a bad response on their first use of cannabis or to a tiny amount. Others at risk included those who had experienced a psychotic episode where they had paranoid thinking or heard a voice calling their name. Professor Castle said experiencing such a one-off episode was far more common than people thought.

"People with such a vulnerability should avoid cannabis like the plague," he said.

Without the effects of the drug, such a person might live their whole life without ever experiencing mental health problems. It has been estimated, for example, that between 8% and 13% of people that have schizophrenia today would never have developed the illness without exposure to cannabis.

Now before all you maryJ smokers say this study was not done by smokers therefore it is bias, is it really likely a top scientist will smoke **** if they are studying it for harmful effects ? By the way, William, saying you are a 61 yr old man from the USA damages your credibilty. I would say you are more likely a 16 yr old girl from asia, most likely Japan.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 21 Feb, 2010 04:55 pm
So you recommend anyone wanting to be at their peak performance should be high ? Stop smoking, William, it is affecting your ability to reason.
Reply Sun 21 Feb, 2010 04:58 pm


Mass crowd of ducks gathering together and plotting to terrorize the world in a coordinated attack on humans... or just a buncha ducks making a lot of quacking noise with a couple of loud honking geese.
Reply Sun 21 Feb, 2010 05:00 pm
Lot of weak minded fools in fact the vast vast majority of the human race are weak minded fools if you included alcohol and there is zero reason not to place alcohol consummation in the same class as others mind altering drugs use.
That is correct. So you admit alcohol and maryJ are dangerous drugs ?

Wonder if our friend Ionus or his family members consume the evil mind-effecting drug of alcohol and therefore can be consider weak-minded fools also for so doing.
I do not, neither does my eldest son, but number two son drinks a very limited amount about once a month.

Ionus is it your stand that having or not having a legal seal of approval change the effect of drugs on the minds of their users in some magical way?
It is not.

In some of our states marijuana is becoming legal so in those states are the smokers no longer weak minded fools?
More to the point, the legislators are weak minded fools.
Reply Sun 21 Feb, 2010 05:02 pm
Did you see William ? She was the one with a bad case of shyness.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 21 Feb, 2010 05:04 pm
More to the point, the legislators are weak minded fools.

So you admit alcohol and maryJ are dangerous drugs ?

So if you have you way we would go back to the 1930s and ban alcohol once more also?

And no alcohol is not a dangerous drug to me as I will go months without it and when I do drink I limit myself to three drinks in any 24 hour period.

So water can be a dangerous drug to those who drink too must and can kill you but for most people neither water, alcohol, or marijuana is not in any way a danger.

Second I know that too must drinking of either water or alcohol can kill you but I never hear of anyone dying from smoking the evil weed too must had you?

So in that regard at least marijuana is far safer then water.
Reply Sun 21 Feb, 2010 05:07 pm
I find it also highly amusing that when I expressed some surprise that such a non-weak minded fool as our friend Ionus is such a loser in life that he can not come up with 10,000 dollars he was all bended out of shape.
I dont think that was the case but you know my thoughts better than me. Can you hear my voice in your head ? It is called schizophrenia, and I do not believe you when you claim to be a non-smoker.

He had no problem looking down on others and name calling but when it is reverse he is not at all happy.
Quite the opposite. I havent called anyone names without being insulted first. Have you noticed your arguments are going around in circles ? Stop smoking and focus. By the way, are you rich ? Is that why you dont like the poor ? They are obviously less intelligent than you..or is it they speak better english ?
Reply Sun 21 Feb, 2010 05:18 pm
Sorry you call people who are smokers in general drugies and that sound like an insult direct at millions of your fellow hard working citizens to me who are causal users of weed.

Then you try to apply that label to a non-smoker because he dare to disagree with you on the subject.

That also sound like an insult.
Reply Sun 21 Feb, 2010 05:22 pm
DrewDad said : I can go back and look at exactly what you wrote, you know.
Dont bother. Here it is below :
Ionus said : It is always associated with peer groups.
Do you know what a statistically significant association is ? I even explained it in detail for you.
Ionus said : Do you know what "always associated" means ? It means that no matter what group you pick there will always be an association. It does not mean there will always be a cause and effect. Your anecdotal evidence is only meaningful in large numbers, not one person. How do you know he wasnt thinking of peer group pressure when he smoked ? Do you think you have to be in a large crowd to feel peer group pressure ?

DrewDad said : So trying to change what you said will result in failure and humiliation.
Bring it on. A piece of advice ? Dont try after smoking.
Reply Sun 21 Feb, 2010 05:23 pm
Stop smoking and focus.

Since you are still so sure I am a smoker if I was you I would find someone to loan me the money even if it was a loan shark and therefore double my funds in a short period of time.

Somone you know have to have ten thousands dollars that they could loan you.

I would cut the amount down for you but given the overhead of setting this up it is just not worth it for less then 10K.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 21 Feb, 2010 05:28 pm
As I stated I am deadly serious about my 10,000 dollars minimum to 50,000 dollars maximum offer to proved with a license drug testing lab that I had not smoke for as long as they can go back with a hair test be that 90 days or over a year.
Are we back to this again ? Your argument is circular without any need to clarify your original point. So I will restate my opinion :
But someone of your low nature no doubt thinks money is the be all and end all of everything. What happened to your lovely nature...where you were going out of your way to support druggies out of the kindness of your heart...this is why I dont have friends on the internet..they are liars.

Seem like for non-smokers you are all losers in life<grin>.
So tell us why you are successful ? I have a full head of hair, a good family and have a measure of my life. You have friends on the interent who dont like you. Tell us about your family...
0 Replies
Reply Sun 21 Feb, 2010 05:32 pm
Sorry you call people who are smokers in general drugies and that sound like an insult direct at millions of your fellow hard working citizens to me who are causal users of weed.
But I thought if you can call them druggies first then it must be acceptable to you druggies.
Then you try to apply that label to a non-smoker because he dare to disagree with you on the subject.
Perhaps you are blind...I do not believe you are a non-smoker.
That also sound like an insult.
You think it is insulting to be told I think you smoke maryJ ?
0 Replies
Reply Sun 21 Feb, 2010 05:35 pm
So if you have you way we would go back to the 1930s and ban alcohol once more also?
So if you have your way all drugs will be legal ?
Reply Sun 21 Feb, 2010 05:37 pm
So in that regard at least marijuana is far safer then water.
Ok. Put $100,000 with a lawyer. You stop drinking water in all its forms and I will stop taking drugs in all their forms. We will see who dies first.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 21 Feb, 2010 08:14 pm
BillRM said,
Amazing you are dead center on one opinion and no facts or studies or logic is going to change that opinion in the least.

That's because most of the logical facts and studies prove me right. Smile

Ionus said,
So you recommend anyone wanting to be at their peak performance should be high ? Stop smoking, William, it is affecting your ability to reason.

Haha. Poor Bill, and he think that I don't make sense?

I dont think that was the case but you know my thoughts better than me. Can you hear my voice in your head ? It is called schizophrenia, and I do not believe you when you claim to be a non-smoker.

Ionus, you make me laugh. Very Happy
If only Bill shared that sense of humor...
and laugh with us while we laugh at him. Very Happy

By the way, why does Bill seem to have such an obsession with money? Rolling Eyes
0 Replies
Reply Sun 21 Feb, 2010 08:14 pm
Billy boy,
For your sake, I have learned to research further and give you evidence that slaps you in the face.

Here you go- several slaps at once:

You said,
but I never hear of anyone dying from smoking the evil weed too must had you?

No One Ever Died From Marijuana??? You sure about that?
Educational Video PSA. Case History: 2001 Traffic Fatality #13 (06-28-01, 10:19 pm), SE 8th St at Bluebonnet Dr. A 20 year-old man was driving under the influence of marijuana and travelling at a high speed northbound on SE 8th St when he lost control of his pick-up truck and struck a tree. A 17-year old male passenger was airlifted to a trauma center and later died. Another passenger was seriously injured. The driver was charged with Intoxication Manslaughter. Data from http://www.grandprairiepolice.org/
Another case history: A Crystal Lake, Illinois man tested positive for marijuana shortly after he hit a tree in a crash that fatally injured four passengers near Hampshire last month, prosecutors said Thursday. He faces charges of aggravated driving under the influence, reckless homicide, and driving under the influence of marijuana. The most serious charge carries a maximum sentence of 28 years in prison. Marijuana use is much more dangerous that believed and hundreds of young people die each year in "accidents" caused by their prolonged use of the drug, according to Britain's most senior coroner. Hamish Turner, the president of the Coroners' Society, told The Telegraph that the marijuana, often portrayed as harmless, has increasingly been the cause of deaths that have been reported as accidents or suicides. "Cannabis is as dangerous as any other drug and people must understand that it kills," said Mr Turner. "From my long experience I can say that it is a very dangerous substance. Increasingly it is mentioned not only as the first drug taken by people who overdose, but also in suicides and accidental deaths. "It is an awful waste of young lives. People are trying the drug at a very young age. Many go on to harder drugs and I am dealing with more and more heroin overdoses. People can also suffer severe consequences from the cannabis alone, however. "Bereaved parents say to me, 'We didn't realise how dangerous it was until it was too late, if only we had done something'. It is heartbreaking." Turner said that stronger varieties of cannabis are now common, leading to physical and mental problems in young people, compared to the pot that was available in the 1960s. All text from Fair Use. [/quote]

Taken from: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tasew58vcPg

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