Marijuana: Does it kill brain cells or does it affect only the lungs?

Reply Sat 20 Feb, 2010 03:35 am
Bullshit and as must as you would love to label anyone who disagree with you as a user I am not your silly person.
So you are supporting people to take illegal drugs out of the kindness of your warm loving human spirit ? Bullshit.
Reply Sat 20 Feb, 2010 03:37 am
Let me see if I understand your argument. Caffeine is dangerous but maryJ isnt ?? You do not take illegal drugs but are defending people who do because you are such a lovely person ?
Reply Sat 20 Feb, 2010 04:18 am
As a caffeine overdose can kill you and marijuana overdose can not on it face it is more dangerous then marijuana would you not say?

Sorry honey I am not a user and it been thirty years or so since I smoke those three evil cigs. but it is amusing you would like to be able to charge anyone who does not agree that marijuana use should be illegal as a user.

Yes indeed people can defend others rights without being part of that sub-group it happens all the time.

Your position also seem to imply in fact that a large percent of the total population by current polls are already users for daring to support making marijuana legal at least for medical use.

0 Replies
Reply Sat 20 Feb, 2010 04:42 am
Ionuus I also assuming that anyone who is a "gay right" supporter is gay in your view also?

LOL I am far far from being a supporter of gay marriages etc but I had never been so silly as to claimed that anyone who support such nonsense must be gay.

You are a silly person.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 20 Feb, 2010 04:59 am
Ionus you are causing me to have too must fun!!!

Is it also your position that the ACLU Jewish lawyers who had supported the rights of American Nazi Party members must therefore be secret Nazis?

You are so must fun............................
Reply Sat 20 Feb, 2010 05:22 am
Ionus tell you what as you are so very sure I am a user how about this we both put up 10,000 dollars with a third party preferably a lawyer and then I will cheerfully submit a hair sample to a license Florida drug testing lab.

It is my understanding that such tests can detect marijuana use to up to a year or so in the past.

Being a nice guy I will even eat the cost of the lab test once I am sure your money is in the hands of the third party.

I could use another ten thousands dollars in my bank account. Hell, if you can cover it I will put up to fifty thousands.

To prove what a nice guy I am I will even throw in all other illegal drugs that such a lab normally check for.

Do we have a deal?

Reply Sat 20 Feb, 2010 08:16 am
Poor William. I dont know where to begin with you sometimes. If something is generally true in specific circumstances, it doesnt mean it applies to everything.
Can you understand that ? And your attempt to apply something universally is a very crude attempt on your part to win an argument without using any intelligence to annalise the facts. Or you are really stupid. Perhaps you think you are being clever, but it looks rather pathetic from where I stand.

As for your offer, I decline due to a lack of finances. I still maintain that the reason people support legalising MaryJ is because they use it. Your statement that you dont use it involves trust, and you have none in this camp. So I repeat, you use it so it must be good for you. You clearly do not understand the chemistry, psychology or sociology behind drug use. Witness above where you think one application is universal. That is really stupid even from you.
Reply Sat 20 Feb, 2010 09:16 am
BillRM wrote:
Ionus tell you what as you are so very sure I am a user how about this we both put up 10,000 dollars with a third party preferably a lawyer and then I will cheerfully submit a hair sample to a license Florida drug testing lab.

Why don't you send me $10,000, and I'd be happy to hold it for you.

It is my understanding that such tests can detect marijuana use to up to a year or so in the past.

More like 3-4 months, reliably.

Reply Sat 20 Feb, 2010 09:18 am
BillRM wrote:
Ionus you are causing me to have too must fun!!!

You are so must fun............................

0 Replies
Reply Sat 20 Feb, 2010 09:19 am
I still smoke pot. I think it's great. Like having a drink. I don't take any of that freaky brain dope all the docters are pushing for the drug companies.
Reply Sat 20 Feb, 2010 10:08 am
As for your offer, I decline due to a lack of finances. I still maintain that the reason people support legalising MaryJ is because they use it. Your statement that you dont use it involves trust, and you have none in this camp. So I repeat, you use it so it must be good for you. You clearly do not understand the chemistry, psychology or sociology behind drug use. Witness above where you think one application is universal. That is really stupid even from you.

So a pot head by your statement had done better in life then you had and you can not even come up with 10,000 dollars!
Reply Sat 20 Feb, 2010 10:14 am
Why don't you send me $10,000, and I'd be happy to hold it for you.

You a lawyer?????? If so god help us.

More like 3-4 months, reliably.

It is my understanding that the time factor is only depended on the length of of the hair they can get and the growth rate of that hair.

As some of my hairs are long as I used them to comb over my bald spot and it rate of growth is no longer fast therefore a year should not be out of the question.

Reply Sat 20 Feb, 2010 10:21 am
I don't take any of that freaky brain dope all the docters are pushing for the drug companies.

Amigo you do have a point as the drugs, I seen adv on TV that are claimed to be able solve every possible human problem have listed side effects that seem far beyond anything that pot product up to and including death.

Hell if you are sly and fear speaking in public there is a drug you can take!!!!!

What the hell is wrong with the FDA?

Reply Sat 20 Feb, 2010 10:47 am
Zoloft was at one time on TV being promoted for used if you was shy and fear public speaking and here are the side effects of this drug.

It seem you might need to smoke pot to deal with the nausea it cause!

We have the best FDA that the money of the drug companies can buy it would seem.

Does anyone in fact here question that if a drug company would own the rights to THC it would not be approved by the FDA and generate billions for the lucky drug company for the life of the patent?

Antidepressants " Antidepressants can be helpful when social anxiety disorder is severe and debilitating. Three specific antidepressants"Paxil, Effexor, and Zoloft"have been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of social phobia.

In these studies, the most common Zoloft side effects included:

Nausea -- in up to 30 percent of people
Insomnia -- up to 28 percent (see Zoloft and Insomnia)
Ejaculation problems -- up to 19 percent (see Zoloft Sexual Side Effects)
Diarrhea or loose stools -- up to 24 percent
Dizziness -- up to 17 percent
Dry mouth -- up to 16 percent (see Zoloft and Dry Mouth)
Fatigue -- up to 16 percent
Drowsiness -- up to 15 percent
Indigestion -- up to 13 percent
Shakiness (tremor) -- up to 11 percent
Loss of appetite -- up to 11 percent
Decreased sex drive (libido) -- up to 11 percent.

Other common side effects that occurred in more than 2 percent of people included:

Increased sweating
Burning or tingling sensation (paresthesias)
Headache (see Zoloft and Migraines)
Weight loss (see Zoloft and Weight Loss)
Abdominal pain (stomach pain)
Vision changes
Hot flashes

Common Side Effects in Children
Side effects in children taking Zoloft are generally similar to those seen in adults taking the medication. However, some common side effects of Zoloft that appear to occur more often in children include:

Urinary incontinence (loss of bladder control)
Sinus infection or inflammation
Bloody nose
Red or purple discolorations on the skin (purpura).

Side Effects to Report
Some side effects of Zoloft, while occurring infrequently, are potentially serious and should be reported to your healthcare provider. These include but are not limited to:

Suicidal thoughts or behavior (see Zoloft and Suicide)
Anxiety, agitation, or panic attacks
Hostility or aggressiveness
Engaging in unusual or dangerous activities
Extreme elation or feeling of happiness that may switch back and forth with a depressed or sad mood
Other unusual changes in behavior
Signs of serotonin syndrome (a rare but dangerous problem associated with certain medications), such as:

Confusion or other mental changes
A rapid heart rate
Nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea
Blood pressure changes
An irregular heart rhythm
Overactive reflexes
Fever, sweating, or shivering

Chest palpitations
Feelings of internal restlessness or jitteriness
Signs of an allergic reaction, such as:

Unexplained rash
Unexplained swelling
Difficulty breathing or swallowing.


Reply Sat 20 Feb, 2010 11:39 am
You heard that marijuana kill your brain cells?

I recall a study from the 70s where they reported that.

Of course they were forcing mice to smoke 100 joints a day which would work out to about 15,000 joints for a normal human. I think it was probably the lack of oxygen rather then the marijuana itself that was killing the brain cells of those poor, but very high, mice.
Reply Sat 20 Feb, 2010 11:46 am
Hell, I'm stoned right now.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 20 Feb, 2010 01:19 pm
Ionus said,
you lose creditability if you are not 100% honest about what the facts are

I have ben 100% honest this entire time. I am not denying the fact that there are studies that report little difference in the health and mindset of a person who abstains from all drug use and a person who is considered to be a heavy drug user. It's true. There are such studies and results.
But isn't it alright to doubt, after all the bullshit we've been fed for many years?
For example, a new "miracle" medicine appears and is said to help with such and such. Several years later, it is either recalled, or it has been discovered that the side effects of using that medicine are much more severe than previously stated. Then we see those announcements on TV that say, "If you a family member has been using this kind of medicine and has had side effects such as this and that, please contact this specific lawyer and put this into legal hands."
Why? Because science can be mistaken. Scientists can be wrong.
They perform a study, all seems safe, and then they realize that because they misinformed the public, the public is getting sick, and it is their fault... and they sometimes, only sometimes, admit it by recalling the medicine, or put out an advertisement that RE-informs the public of new side effects.
The same might happen with the studies about marijuana. They might have checked the blood of a heavy user, maybe even a brain scan, but that does not mean that they checked each and every milimeter of the body and ever single organ. Something else in the body besides what they looked into could have been damaged, and they failed to notice, therefore, misinforming that public that the body is unharmed by marijuana use. That is possible, is it not?
I believe so. So, just because I doubt science, at times, does not mean I am not honest.

it is pointless to say drugs do no good.

Why is it pointless if it is, in fact, true?
If the little good drugs do is much overshadowed by bad side effects, consquences, etc, then it would correct to say that drugs do no good.
Even if drugs help a perso block out the emotions and problems they do not want to face, that is still not a good thing. There is a reason we face these emotions -- whether it to be to learn from our mistakes and not repeat them, or that we reap what we sow -- and if we choose to not feel them, then we are missing out on whatever our conscience or mind is trying to inform us of.
How in the world is that a good thing? It is not good. Therefore, drugs do no good.

Reply Sat 20 Feb, 2010 01:41 pm
BillRM said,

Why because most of us who had been on this earth for many decades know too many people who are users who did not go on to other drugs or did not have any ill effects over decades of using marijuana.

Sorry your common sense is not sense even if it is sadly common.

Isn't it possible that we just do not know of the ill effects another person is experiencing? We cannot dissect the live body and look into it, and therefore, we do not know if something functions differently. It may not be lifethreatening, but it may be slightly bothersome because it isn't the way it is supposed to work. For instance, they may sometimes experience some stomache discomfort after eating one too many bud brownies (and it may be a persistent discomfort even after the marijuana is gone from their system), but they either block out this by drugging themselves out some more, or they do not really pay attention to the different way their body functions.
They may obtain some not life-threatening lung problem, but disregard it as just a cough, and not realize what it was caused by.
And another thing: I cannot agree with that marijuana has no ill effects on a person because I've know quite a few teenagers who became unhealthy adults--why? Because of marijuana. Even if it is not the marijuana that destroys their body, it is an impairment in judgement and decision-making. Several people that I've known from about 5 years ago were great, fun-loving, healthy teenagers when they began to experiment with MJ. Then, after they begin to smoke it regularly, before school, between classes, after school, replacing meals with pot, they come home and tend to overeat like crazy to make up for a lack of food earlier. Some, instead, lose their appetite for good and hardly realize when they drink a can of Coke a day as a source of meal that they are destroying themselves that way. Some do random crazy things and injure themselves -- things their mind would have advised them against if they hadn't numbed and silenced their mind. Also, they cannot focus in school, and fail, ending up with no education, bad health, and a failure to realize why this is happening.
The list is much longer.. I've shortened it for you guys because of a lack of time. But do you understand what I am implying? Even though I believe that marijuana is bad for the body, I am taking on the possibily that it may be the decisions that people make when they are high that harm them even more than the marijuana itself.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 20 Feb, 2010 01:42 pm
Ionus said,
You do not take illegal drugs but are defending people who do because you are such a lovely person ?

Haha. That was cute. Smile But right alongside the thoughts that were floating through my mind. Smile
Reply Sat 20 Feb, 2010 02:02 pm
But right alongside the thoughts that were floating through my mind.

Would you like to back that opinion or floating through up with 10,000 dollars as I will cheerfully make my offer for hair testing with at least 10,000 on the line to anyone who would like to take me up on it.
0 Replies

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