Mon 27 Oct, 2003 01:41 pm

Hi, I am a mature student of age 32 and I am attracted to a guy who is 20..he is really nice and we share similar interests.I look much younger than my age..i think that he finds me attractive too.Would you have some good advice for me, i mean if anyone has been in this kind of situation?it's a bit new for me.. i am not very experienced for my age.Thank you..
Why don't you just see what develops? There is much less of a stigma about older women/younger men nowadays. Just be yourself, and enjoy the relationship.
I have a friend who started dating a woman 10 years older than him. He was 22, she was 32. They have now been married five years and very happily I might add.
I wouldn't worry about age difference. I have friends of all ages and it is really not about a stupid number but what is inside both of you that 'clicks'. Who is to say this relationship will even progress past a friendship? If it doesn't will that be the end of the world? Not at all.
I had friends that I always tought would be great for each other but, when sharing information to each of them one thing was the age difference..she was in her 30's he in his 20's...well, when they were both in their 30's they finally met up at my place one day and never seperated..married, kids..all that.
You just never know...let things happen as they do and dont worry about age.
The only thing I could say about your age difference is that you are over 21 and he isnt long as you have things you do together, and you remember that he may not be able to go to a club or a pub all the time with you..its all good...anyways..that will only be a short time. Its just something to consider if you're in a group or something that meets at a club or pub, thats all.
I am 23 and have dated several women over 30 and a few in their 40s. I have a friend who is 19 or so and is dating a woman who might be in her 40s.
I don't think it's abnormal in modern society.
Go for it! Let the chips fall where they may.
Plus, alot of guys in their twenties dig the idea of hooking up with an "older" woman. I know I do.