I know you brought it up, but then hawkeye quickly adopted it without thinking and started making claims about how it ruins his experience. I get the complaints about the changes, I'm just disputing the severity with which hawkeye characterizes the consequences of him not getting what he wants.
You were saying it annoys you, hawkeye was doing his prophet of doom thing again where he says discourse is doomed because of what is being "shoved down [his] throat". The irony is that he wants others not to be able to ignore him and doesn't respect their choices there. I'm just pointing out his irrationality, I get how the recent changes can be less than ideal for some but I just don't think the consequences are as dire as hawkeye makes them out to be.
There are a lot of tag improvements needed and giving you access to global tags as well as your own tags there is something I'd like to be able to nail in an interface that is usable enough, but putting people's tags on the grids they most use is something I think is very important for the social dynamics of this website.
The tags are organizational in purpose but for most users the only time they interacted with them was in the context of tagging someone's thread and with only that usecase it seemed as fit for use as graffiti as organization for many. After all, if there's not much access to the organization component of tags then it doesn't serve that purpose as well.
And it also makes for more "ownership" of one's activity here. If the tags are just going on someone else's thread then it is easier to use ugly ones as graffiti. When they are going to be on your own grids as well then any impoliteness is going to be on your own "property" on able2know as well and I hope it will reduce (not stop, I don't expect that) use of tags that way.
In any case, I'm going to work on more improvements to it, I'd been thinking of including the search of the global tags above your own, or even being able to toggle them back and forth and there are things like adding tag search to the home page that have been on our to do list for a long time. But as I've long promised things will be rough sometimes and won't necessarily have all the polish we want it to right out of the gate, right now the changes are coming in a flurry due to some big changes coming* that have time-sensitive aspects to it so some of the recent ones are a bit rushed.
* Hawkeye, get your arguments against them ready so that when you know what they are you can tell us how bad they are.