Thu 11 Feb, 2010 06:43 pm
how did you celebrate
I had to work on this momentous holiday?! Bloody hell!
Darts!!!!!! Darts!!!!!!! (and more) Darts!!!!!
Both great (the t-shirt and the poster).
Yeah, right! How quickly we forget the humiliation of standing in the unemployment line.
djjd62 wrote:
how did you celebrate
Ya know...that's false advertising.
Damn thing ran the place.
I despise Cheney (don't get me started) but I don't like this stuff. Not quite sure why not - I suppose that I would like his takes considered re the issues and not via tee shirts.
I also may or may not take tee shirts as easy - they are easy power, but I distrust much of that. I don't like the flame to thought ratio.
I admit to having an obama tee. I still like him but am grumpy.