Won't get any argument from me here, it's one of my favorite cuisines. If you do feijoada you might as well do the rest. They almost invariably eat it with rice which I'm sure you know but here's how they prepare it to make it seasoned and loose. They first wash the rice in a colander with cold water. They they stir fry it raw with oil (about a quarter of an inch in pot at least) onions, garlic and salt before adding hot water (according to the person who taught me adding cold water ruins it somehow at this stage) and proceeding as normal with rice. It makes a loose, flavorful rice that makes other rice taste bland to me.
Then you need the two main sides which are collard greens (very thinly sliced in slivers only a few millimeters wide) fried in bacon grease (sometimes has little bacon bits in it) and farofa. Farofa is toasted manioc flour, and it looks like sand or sawdust. But it's awesome when it's soaking up juices like the feijoada and it is a blank slate for flavor. People put all sorts of savory and sweet ingredients in it ranging from scrambled eggs to banana but I think it's best with just some of the bacon/pork (not sure exactly what they usually use but it's a dry salty pork meat) chunks in it. Here is a good picture and recipe:
But doing it from scratch can be hard, and it's probably just as hard to find the right manioc flour as it is to find the prepared product at the bottom of that page (it is just the flour toasted, with no extra ingredients so you could basically add some flavor like bacon and it's good to go) in the US. But the trouble is worth it, this stuff is seriously awesome!
And if you are at the Brazilian emporium for the farofa you might as well throw in their national soda, Guarana, which is something like Ginger Ale and they like to drink the "Antartica" brand (other brands are like coke copies) with slices of orange in it (they also put slices of orange as garnish on the feijoada) and hell you might as well toss in the pre-made pão de queijo (cheese bread) dough or mix, it's a tapioca flour bread that is just
delicious. Here's what they look like:
And the most popular brand is for that is the same as the most popular brand for the pre-toasted farofa:
After that all you need is some caipirinhas and you are all set (other than the Brazilian BBQ, which I'm skipping for the mostlyplants thing) for the typical Saturday feast in Brazil.