Gargamel and Sullyfish, both your links were very helpful. I started getting indigestion when I was eighteen and it's never let up.
For many years, I ate loads of Tums. Finally I went to a doctor and she recommended Prilosec, which was a prescription drug at the time. I did not receive any warning of its interference with digestion until I did some research on Google.
The same warnings were given at each site. It will become addictive in its antacid properties while preventing proper digestion. It also allows bacteria to form that would normally be killed by stomach acid.
At this point, I'm having a hard time stopping the Prilosec, as I start feeling really sick if I go more than two or three days without it. I haven't tried the enzymes in the link given by Sullyfish, but I plan to.
In the meantime, I try to eat normally(not at all easy for me) and I eat nonfat, plain yogurt before going to bed. Luckily, I have learned to like the slightly sour, tangy taste. It seems to help, so with enzymes and yogurt, maybe this life long problem will finally be resolved.
Farmerman's grandad sounds like a delightful man and his vodka-Maalox mixture sound potable when things get extremely stressful.