That link takes one to a page which denies that reincarnation into animal forms takes place. It does not deny that reincarnation can or does take place. In fact, it's a tour de force in slective, religious cognitive dissonance. It avoids ever addressing the issue of whether or not reincarnation does take place, while prating about levels of spiritual attainment.
As for dishonest, you continue to fail to address the passage from the section on karma which i have posted again and again. Here it is, tediously, once again:
The definite invisible cause or causes of the visible effect is not necessarily confined to the present life, they may be traced to a proximate or remote past birth. Do you allege that the people responsible for that web site have willfully contradicted themselves? Or do you simply avoid addressing that quotation because it doesn't square with your moronic claims?
You're the dishonest one here, the one who won't face up to the evidencc i've provided.