Fri 29 Jan, 2010 07:53 am
What do people do, if you broke up a marrage, do you ask the party that got hurt to forgive you? Yes, a person should but the question is do you keep on asking for forgiveness or do you leave the person in piece??
Yes, you leave her in peace. In this case, that will be hard since your other questions show that you are still in the picture as potential future stepmom, but you couldn't have broken a marriage if your boyfriend wasn't a willing contributor and the marriage wasn't susceptible to breaking. If you apologized, that's fine, but groveling is just going to make everyone miserable.
If you have the need to apologize at all, say what you have to say once (and only once). Then move on.
The point is to move on.
If you broke up a marriage you're going to hell anyway so dump any feelings of guilt or bad conscience you may be experiencing and enjoy yourself. The train has already left the station. :0)
There is a rule of divorce that the dumpee gets over it much quicker than the dumper. My first wife left me and after I moved on and had found my real lifes mate , she was still calling me years later to consider some form of reconciliation. The laater divorce years were actually more painful to her than the first year was to me.
If you feel guilt because you broke up a marriage, then you need to give a GODD apology to that person - and then move on. Whether or not they accept your gesture is up to them. They may thank you - or curse you - in the years to come.
Perhaps she feels you are not sincere or are mocking her.
YOU need to use words like "sorry I was selfish, reckless, self-centered, and greedy and acted knowing that I was doing wrong" in your apology.
Most folks don't know how to apologize properly. You must state what YOU did, not give her a half-assed "sorry about that.'