gungasnake wrote:
We are getting into real mental health issues here. Robert Gibbs is on Fox News Sunday, "explaining" what the Brown win in MA means. Gibbs stated forcefully that last week Brown was elected not because of anger at Obama's policies, but because voters were angry at George Bush and because Obama hasn't moved forcefully and quickly enough in implementing Obamacare. ...
That's an interesting spin on the win. But I think Gibbs has spun himself into a state of dizziness.
It seems more likely to me that most people want Health Care reform, but they don't like the particular version that was flowing through congress (as even many of the more liberal members of A2K have already stated on several threads). Also, Scott had a pretty broad message he was floating, so there could be lots of other reasons why he won as well. There are plenty of things to be mad at the government about. Health Care may appear to be one of many gorilla's in the room, but those gorilla's are sitting on carefully disguised elephants that are part of the basic political process (finance reform and lobbying to expose just a couple).