Warning. Serious post.
I'm not sure why i do this, i hope you don't mind.
Got an album from my aunt today, pictures of lilia that i'd never seen before, and little tributes to her from hundreds of people. These are just a few and i felt the need, as i have done several times over the past 26 days (is that it?) to share them with you.
Oh, and i wanted the thank those of you who have been invaluable since i first posted here. Really don't see how i could have made these past few weeks without knowing i could come here and rant if need be.
Quote:You taught me how much everyday means and to treat everyone like your best friend - Macey Sharpe
Quote:My throat aches and i need to take big breaths when i see something that reminds me of you, because i know you didn't like to see someone cry. - Isabelle Stuart
Quote:If i was having a bad day, all i needed was a minute with you and i'd walk away smiling - Dr Harrison
Quote:When i go to sleep i always think about you, so maybe i'll have a dream about you. I really hope i do, just to see your smile light up a room and your eyes make the stars look rubbish again. - Nana
Quote: You'd point out how when it rained really hard on concrete, it looked like ants taking pictures. You could watch it for hours, I smile whenever it rains now, just to think of how happy it'd make you. - Dylan Alderson
Quote:Lilia was a beautiful girl, we are honered and proud to have known her. She was braver than the lot of us put together and will always be in our thoughts when things get tough. - Cornwall Marine Academy
Quote:No fair LiLi. - Indi
Quote:You will always be my big brave sister and i will never ever ever ever stop wanting you to be back. - May
Quote: Never stopped fighting did you? You've done us proud, it was your time to go, check in on us occasionally eh? Dreams, visions, haunting, i don't mind when. Now you've blessed us all, i guess god needed his best angel back, shame he couldn't wait a while but, who can blame him? Your pretty damn amazing. - Joe Whitehorn
Quote:Keep an eye on my Sammy up there won't you? I'm glad she has you to look out for her again, it's hard to put into writing how much i wish you were both back here. - Paul Lynch
Quote:You better no go running around with your mum's bra on your head in heaven, thats not what angels do! - Jackie Ward
Quote:You are the most amazing person. I can remember sitting with your mum and holding her hand whilst she tried not to cry as she told you the cancer had spread to your lungs, i remember you sitting up, laughing and saying "is that all? i though someone had died!" Aunty Hannah
Quote:How you smiled every day i don't know. The relationship you had with your sister was unbeatable, the passion you had for finding a cure was inspiration, we will continue your work, i promise. You have my utmost respect - Keith Parker.
Quote:If there was a way we could get you back lilia damn i would do whatever it takes. Just without icky cancer this time right? Sleep peacefully. - Pauline Harding
Quote: You've left a big gap that nobody will ever fill, but i'm so happy that your free now. Till we meet again, good luck. - Teddy Grant