farmerman wrote:
The USSC is malleable in its world view. Claiming that "free speech by industry is Constitutional" is not settled law because it was as close a vote as is possible.So, according to our Constitution, we can either amend this bad finding or , in time, when beter sense prevails, revisit it by a new court.
In the mean time, the industrial donors and their shills will have to identify themselves, and Im sure the internet will create an entire new venue of how we, the underclasses, are kept informed about the oligarchs.
Go and have your paddlefish roe on toast tips and Dom Perignon breakfast, . BUT,
better watch yer back OLIGARCH
That 's
ALWAYS good advice; thank u.
It distresses me that u have found it acceptable
for government to stifle free speech for 60 days, or for 60 minutes.
If it did have jurisdiction to just do that,
in defiance of the "Congress shall make
NO LAW . . . abridging freedom of speech. . ."
it coud choke off speech forever, just throwing the Constitution
in the garbage can.
If the First Amendment was not safe,
NO part of the Constitution was safe; unlimited power
like Stalin, Hitler and Saddam.
By the liberals: that 's OK.