wandeljw wrote:
Were your parents aware that it was dangerous for children to eat paint chips?
Dearest wandeljw, down in my neck of the woods them is courtin' words. Are you hitting on me?
My dear Tsarstepan. yours is indeed a thought provoking riposte; I shall waste no time in reading it as it is very much taken for granted these days that you can step onto an airplane and get off again after several hours in a country thousands of miles away.
Only very few people think about, or realise, the enormous amount of technological innovation and people skills that go into building, flying and maintaining safe and reliable aircraft. Only by implementing the most stringent technical standards on both the production and maintenance of aircraft has the aviation industry managed to achieve what is considered to be the safest and most efficient mode of travel.
Solvents, like many other chemicals, play an important role in this process. Solvents are used in both the manufacture and maintenance of aircraft and they are also a key component in the production of the raw materials that are required.
Not only do solvents help manufacturers create lighter, safer and more efficient aircraft, they also help ensure that these aircraft remain safe during their many years of operation.
Missy. I am so smiley happy that you agree; call me anything you like.....just don't call me late for supper!
Further replies are somewhat delayed due to legal issues.