Economy: The Dow will finish 2003 at 9300 but will hit 10000 on the Friday before the Presidential election. Holiday sales for 2003 will be 4.5% ahead of last year. The unemployment rate as of the end of July, 2004, will be 6.2%
Iraq: We'll be there, losing a soldier or two or three a day. And, as soldiers are rotated out but than sent back in for their second (or third) tour, there will be some backlash from the public.
Sensing that, Bush's handler will have Cheney "retire," in order to make room for a vp running mate who might appeal to the critical women/minority voters.
Meanwhile, Dem Presidential nominee Howard Dean (after a brutal primary campaign) begs Gen Clark to be his running mate.
In November, the Dems win the popular vote by 53 to 47%. But the electoral college gives Bush re-election by a landslide.
In other news:
--The Pope dies. The new one is from South America
--Tony Blair becomes unemployed.
--As does the Italian guy.
--"Under God" gets taken out of the pledge of allegiance after a Supreme Court ruling at the end of the term, and, speaking of the Supreme Court,
--Two justices announce their retirement.
Craven, thanks for an amusing little topic and for all you have done. It's good that you seem to actually have some time to participate. I'm sorry I can't comment on Afghanistan. I'm ashamed to say this, but I've forgotten what that was all about..
Well I should probably be tossin' out the disclaimer that you all may end up watchin Phoenix whoop my ass for volunteering nekid pics of her quote Craven
I was going to object bout this sexism and ask if there were any nekkid men pics on offer - but this will do nicely - what will she whoop it with? can we choose?
I would like to say, she muttered darkly, that I was also wearing make-up - and BUBBLES - got it? Grrrrrrrrrrrr
Who's Bubbles? You don't mean Michael Jackson's chimp?
I most certainly do NOT! Harrumph - you NEVER know where that poor chimp has been...
Economy: Gonna continuously eek its way up, bit by bit.
Iraq: Saddam will remain MIA, troops will continute to lose moral, and unfortunately, the attacks will continute on a regular basis. Many troops will start to go AWOL when they begin to realize en masse that they are there for the wrong reasons. Americans will get more and more pissed by the day. However...
Come election time, one of two things will happen:
There will be a very timely "find" of WMD's, giving Bush a massive boost in the polls and he will ride that out for a win. Or;
There will be a massive terrorist attack, killing many Americans. The public's paranoia will be revitalized and Bush will manipulate their fear, using it to get re-elected.
Jesus. The more I think about it, the more depressed I get. In an era were many people still think there were Iraqis on the hijacked planes, its just too damn easy for the administration to influence people's minds.
And so it is important to remind all the folks around you about the details. Even if it pisses them off. No one likes anyone who talks politics. Everyone needs to hear it these days.
I've actually won back a few misguided souls this way.
Anyway, more and more folks think Bush is a lying cretin. They really won't like it when he wins electorally but massively loses popularly. That's about due to happen, y'know. It will change everything. Won't be a smooth road after that, but it will be a road away from this situation....