Fri 24 Oct, 2003 01:09 pm
Ok, time for random predictions. Anyone have any?
I'm looking for predictions about:
Afghanistan (I get the feeling it will become focused on a bit more soon).
And whatever else. I'm having a hard time coming up with any predictions. I'll go when I have some but would love to hear some of yours.
Ah, screw it, I'll give a couple of predictions off hand.
Economy - It will improve shortly (by a little) and in March will be significantly different (for the better). Oil prices will go down around then but that's no prediction, tis a no-brainer.
Iraq - The attacks on troops will be less focused on even if they slightly increase, if they increase by a large amound this is null. In a few months, if the attacks have continued there will be a revisiting of the focus on it.
Iraq is damn hard to predict, Saddam is a real big wild card. If he is caught ALL of my predictions (even those unrelated to Iraq) will change. And I am drawing a total blank when trying to predict whether he will be caught.
Another weak prediction I have is that there will be one or more "WMD's found" type situations in a few weeks. But they will be weak cases that one side will embrace and the otehr dismiss. In other words they won't be much of a find. Maybe it will even be a "we found a paper that says WMDs be here" type thing.
Afghanistan - I have no idea why I think the press will start to revisit this. But for some reason I do. The only possible reasons I can think of is if the situation there deteriorates (read: if Americans die), if sexy captures are made, or if there is a concerted effort to paint Bush's war on terror as having had lukewarm results.
Elections - I still think Bush will win, but this is less strong of a notion than I have had in the past. I see there being a chance that the gap can be shortened. Another prediction with little thought given to it is that Clark has the best chances of beating Bush, but only if he uses his background to try to run on a "tough on terror" and "I am a real soldier, you are a toy soldier" platform.
I see him doing that as unlikely, but if he does and if Dean endorses (but does not join!) him I think he has a shot (assuming the economy doesn't pick up too quickly).
Anywho, my predictions are weak weak weak, I do not feel confident in any of them. I wanna know YOURS!
I predict a new leader for the Conservative party and IDS out on his ear very very soon ... and they will still continue the downward slide ....
Elections... somebody will win and somebody else will lose...guaranteed
Will these predictions be revisited in say 6months time and what is the prize for correct prediction?
No cash, no play . . .
I will not engage my considerable powers of prognostication for a notional good feeling . . .
I guess it'll just have to be that you'll find out what i already know . . .
Ok fine. Best predictions gets you naked pics of Phoenix
That was very devious of you, CdK--if i object, it could be construed as insulting to Phoenix.
OK, ok . . . Howard Dean will run with Clark as Veep candidate. In the final weeks of the campaign, when it is obvious that they will be buried in an electoral outrage landslide, Bush and Cheney head to Isreal for an historic summit which will end the Palestinian question for all time. Charismatics from Alabama with a pure red heifer will be heading up the temple mount to make their sacrifice that day, when a Palestinian suicide bomber suddenly appears, and blows up himself, Cheney, Sharon and Rove. Bush, with no one to feed him his lines any longer, will run up the hill after the Alabamian charismatics, hollering for them to wait up. In their profound confusion, they will take this for the second coming, and begin offering Jews the opportunity to convert or die. At this point, consternation and disgust so profound will set in with both Israelis and Palestinians, that they will shoot the lot of them, and discovering a mutual desire for territorial imperialism, will launch an unprovoked attack on Syria, which will carry them across the Iraqi border, and into a full-scale war with U.S. forces there. The Turks will take the opportunity to make an attack on the Kurds, in which the Iranians will intervene, in the hope of picking up the prizes when everyone else is gone. At that point, the Taliban will spring their planned coup in Islamabad and Karachi, and, now in the possession of the Paki nukes, will so screw up the guidance programming that they nuke Mecca and Medina. This will trigger all out war throughout the Muslim world, severely cutting down the flow of oil to the industrialized world. This will in turn lead to anarchy at gas stations and a full-blown shooting war between right and left wing nut cases, and President Hastert will be obliged to declare martial law, and cancel the elections.
As there will have been no effect on Monday Night Football, most Americans will not notice. Walmart will complete their plans for world domination by introducing gas stations which will sell the billions of gallons of gasoline they've been hoarding over the years. With everyone working for the subsistence wages which will kick in due to corporate anxiety over competition with Wally-World, the consumer economy will collapse.
At this point, a smug Japan will complete its plans for world conquest so rudely interrupted 59 years previously, and we all will think we're turning Japanese.
Or maybe not . . .
Better keep those pix on ice though B ---- I don't want ashes
1. The Dow will be above 10,000 before election time 2004
2. Saddam will be cooling his heels (if he doesn't commit suicide) in one of our jail cells prior to Nov 2004
3. There will be a significant reduction in our troop strength before the election in 2004.
4. Howard Dean will be the Democratic Candidate for pres
5. Bush will win in a landslide
6. Many Democrats will be seen running wildly across the landscape screaming and pulling their hair out in clumps.
Share the pics when you get them, will you Set?
For a nikkid picture of Phoenix, I'll play.
My prediction on the economy: About the same as now, and the stock market will be between 8,500 and 9,000 at the end of December. I previously picked 8,500 at the top end, but it seems some of the blue chip companies are beginning to stabalize their bottom line. The p/e ratios are still too high, so I expect the majority of investors will sell their equities before year end, bringing the prices down to my projected level. The terrorism in Iraq is not going to improve, because more Iraqi's are frustrated at our length of occupation, and there's an endless supply of Muslims willing to sacrifice themselves for Allah. Not trying to be trite here; just an honest opinion of the increased displeasure of Iraqis on how long it's taking to feel secure in their own country. GWBush is gonna lose big time, because he's made too many large groups unhappy with his actions. More Americans are beginning to realize the high cost of our involvement in Iraq in terms of lives and money. His approval rating on Iraq is going down real fast. He's angered seniors by taking away more benefits. He's angered veterans by taking away their health benefits. He's angered women by approving a ban on partial birth abortions by not considering the safety of the mother. Then, there's that group that believes in stem cell research, and Bush outlawed that. Don't have any numbers, but I figure he's gonna lose big time by more than ten percent. It was a close election that last time, but it's gonna look like the recall in California; people want change - real bad.
Well I should probably be tossin' out the disclaimer that you all may end up watchin Phoenix whoop my ass for volunteering nekid pics of her, but since learning from mistakes is not my strong point I'll dig a deeper hole.
I am prepared to barter nekid pics of dlowan and BFN.
Butrflynet. topless and looking over her shoulder with one leg raised.
Dlowan, wearing only glasses.
I trust that the winner here will uphold this bargain.
Ooh, Craven, how's the dirt down there?
Well, I guess I like the flavor of my own foot enough to risk this game: Any of the above who have made similar predictions please forgive:
Economy. The stock market will continue to stutter upward and then have an amazing surge by the time the serious election blitz begins. Some newpapers will cover odd stories about strange accounting practices that make corporate profitability seem better than it actually is, but this will be glossed over by the TV 'news' people, so most folks will not be aware of it. Bush wins, and the economy will slide back down, accompanied by confirmations of sleazy accounting practices that emerged just in time to aid his election effort.
The Middle East: the situation will worsen in both Afghanistan and Iraq, but security issues will allow the adminstration to keep much of it out of the news. Sometime in the serious election period there will be some very nasty terrorist attack
on someone. For these purposes Bin Laden will be declared fully alive, and there will be reports that he and Saddam have become roommates, and have been living in Sacramento disquised as Ren and Stimpy.
Meanwhile the Bush Administration sensing the public doesn't want to linger on Iraq or Afghanistan will declare a fresh boogie man and troops will be prepared and or committed in such a way that there will be military activity climaxing in time for the election. Declarations will be made that anyone who votes against the administration is abetting this new enemy. Few will buy into any of this.
The public, in general will weary of a series of such obvious administration ploys and want to vote for anyone but Bush. The election will be held and very low voter turnout will reveal a deflation of public expectations. Nonetheless Bush will win in a weirdly contested election and will have a second term beset by controversy and ill will from all parties. Some sleeping scandle will either terminate his second term or completely cripple it.
(Further down the road...) The Republicans will work hard to make Schwartzenneger's Presidency possible, in the hope that he can defeat the democrats next candidate. The Democrats will not be able to come up with a single cogent candidate or statement of Policy. Hillary will run. Who knows what then?
Science. There will be some astonishing breakthroughs in science that will make possible the more inexpensive continuation of the exploration of space, but the real vitality in this will be between the Europeans and the Chinese. America will continue to value idiotic entertainment and ostentation more than real social progress and we will become more and more obviously a nation with no real vision or courage as the world blossoms into the 21st century.
Aliens will visit us by midcentury and declare that we are not ready for primetime and will embargo us from the Galactic Union until we seem more trustworthy.
In 2160, appearing no older than she does today, and still as cute and talented as can be, Dolly Parton will be declared the Ultimo Diva and Supreme Ruler of Earth.
We will all live forever, or at least until we tire of reruns and perish by cosmic ennui.
Beedle, You like your predictions so well, you had to repeat it. LOL
Hmmm... crashed in the middle of all that. Sorry.
But then maybe if I repeat one more time it will all be so.
All Hail Empress Dolly!!!!!