I cannot remember when the History Channel had any history on it during prime time at least.
Now why is that? Somehow, I question if monsters Quests or alien/UFO shows, ice road truckers, and fishing in the Bering Sea shows would or does bring in a larger viewings audience then shows that contain some real history.
Let see how about a show dealing with said the Hamilton and Burr duel for example? Here we had a sitting Vic President with two murder warrants outstanding for his arrest one issue by NJ were the duel happen and one from NY where Hamilton die a few days after the duel.
Or how about doing a show base on a book call “The Court-martial of General Custer” where the idea was that somehow he survived the defect at little Big Horn and was then facing a military trial for his actions?
In other word why in the hell are we not getting real history on the History Channel?
Could it be that the cost of producing the **** they are now doing is so low compare to real history programming that is the driving force behind this?