Fri 24 Oct, 2003 09:23 am
Hello everybody. I am looking for a good message board to call home and to come to for good debate. I've been to conservative boards and liberal boards, and I must say they have both left me disappointed. People seem more interested in throwing insults than engaging in an honest debate. Hopefully this board will prove different.
I think both sides have good ideas, but neither side is 100% correct. That being said, see you all on the rhetorical battlefield.
Welcome! We're trying to be nice without being boring, but keep your Nomex suit handy just in case! :wink:
Welcome home, Constantly, but do heed Brand x's caveat.
I am the nicest person here, the tallest and the cutest by FAR! (This can be important in a serious debate.)
Don't let anyone lie and tell you differently.
I hope you brought your bathing suit.
Um....taller than everyone else.
<please don't ask specifics. you will entrap me>
<How tall are you?>
Hmmm....entrapping someone that sweet.....hmmm...
I'm tall.
Little Woman could stick her head in Big Woman's bellybutton.
Let's acknowledge the difference between tall and ...messed up.
I still can't figure out if it's just photoshop. If so, they did a pretty good job.
Sozobe, look real close down the right side of the tall ones leg, you can see the seam where two pics were joined. That's your right, the outside of her left leg.
Oh! Good eye. Yup. I was paying attention to the shadows... seems like Big Woman would cast a shadow on Little Woman, but it was hard to tell.
Yer right.
Well, I'd say he's standing at the wrong end.
Brand X wrote:Well, I'd say he's standing at the wrong end.

I like the way your mind works.
See, Constant, how quickly things degenerate around here? Welcome to A2K; if nothing else, you will get to laugh a lot!
Just blink, and your thread will be hijacked!