@ebrown p,
ebrown p wrote:
The Republican connection with racism started about 30 years ago around the time of Nixon. Later, Reagan did everything he could to pull racists from the Democratic party (and he was very successful). Since this time Republicans have pushed "States rights" (which meant segregation), fought any affirmative action, fought against harsher punishments for hate crimes and promoted America as a Christian nation.
Of course, as America gets more and more diverse, this strategy is less and less effective.
As I see it, yes, the Republicans have pulled some of the conservative Democrats into their camp during the past few decades, but it is not because of racism, because even as you admit, the Republican Party was not a racist party. To be clear, the Republican Party has its roots to Abraham Lincoln, the man that established anti-racism as the centerpiece of the party, which I believe has endured until now. The Republicans stand for individual liberty and responsibility, regardless of race.
I think it has rather been the countless other ridiculous and even silly liberal Democratic policies that have driven conservative Democrats into the Republican camp, including economic policies, issues in regard to labor and unions, tax policy, extreme environmentalism, and many other things. Example, it is liberal thinking that bring us things like a burglar being able to sue and win a lawsuit against a business owner for having an unsafe roof while the burglar is attempting to break into his place of business through the roof or crawlspace in the ceiling. It is liberal thinking that causes things like the woman suing McDonalds for serving her hot coffee that spilled and burned her little skin.
Based upon individual liberty and responsibility, yes, the Republicans have not favored some of the race based government initiatives, such as quotas in hiring through affirmative action and so forth, which are really nothing more than reverse discrimination, which have been sold by the Democrats as a method of granting special favors and treatment to racial minorities in exchange for votes. Unfortunately, it has worked, but I will continue to be one to point out that such policies are really at their base a practice similar to slavery, to keep minorities on the plantation. In other words, the Democrats message is essentially we will take care of you and provide for you as long as you work for us and bring us your votes.