The only brewery in the Delmarva is DOGFISH HEAD. They make all kinds of whacky brews, and many with alcohol levels that are higher than fine white burgundies (Puligny Montrachet often varies between 14 and 6% )
Dogfish head made a seasonal Pumpkinseed ""bock" (no idea of how that one s done) that was 19% alcohol.
Those Delmarvians , after all those years when they only had National Bohemian and SChooner beers from Baltimore( and that stuff was swill) went nuts with downing all the Dogfish Head beer, that exotic brew , or some of their IPA's don't even make it to Philly.
As far as National Bohemian, They used to give it away on the Chesapeake Bay, by the case. They did this from a bigass "Nat Bo" ketch with brown sails which was full of comely wenches in small bathing suits. If you wavedthe ketch down when you were out on the bay (in a boat), theyd come over and give you a cold case of National Bo.
Youd get the biggest headache from that **** after just 3- 12 ozers.
It was as bad as that Canadian crap I used to drink when I worked in the Chateau Frontenac years ago when I was a summer student at Laval. I have no idea where in Canadia it was made. The name of the stuff was "Sail" and they still used these non aluminum metal cans so there was this sort of "sour taste" from metal slightly dissociating in the Carbonic acid