which beer is the best in the world?

Fri 30 Aug, 2013 09:28 pm
Tried Leinenkugel's Summer Shandy. Quite nice and mellow.
Sat 31 Aug, 2013 08:37 am
Tried Leinenkugel's Sunset wheat. I'm a fan now.

Shandy was not handy.
Sat 31 Aug, 2013 02:09 pm
I'm not a Leinenkugel fan.
Sat 31 Aug, 2013 02:15 pm
Ragman wrote:
I was paid last week for helping my friend with loading his virus protection s/w. Fair exchange was two 6-pk of Tsingtao beer.

Did I read this correctly? You got free beer for loading AV SW?

That's ... awesome!
Sat 31 Aug, 2013 02:17 pm
I have pedestrian tastes when it comes to beer, but I'm certain Rolling Rock is swill.
Sat 31 Aug, 2013 02:34 pm
I'm not a Leinenkugel fan.

I'm not either. I'm sure it's a good beer but to me it's rather cloying.
I want a brew that'll slap me upside the head.
0 Replies
Sat 31 Aug, 2013 02:37 pm
Good to see a woman posting here.
my experience is that women drink beer for low-carb benefits, not for taste.
Am I off course here?
Sat 31 Aug, 2013 02:52 pm
yup. I did!

I like Old Speckled Hen (UK), too.

"... sweetness, too, from notes of toffee and caramel. A bit of yeast and nut rises up from below... "
0 Replies
Sat 31 Aug, 2013 02:52 pm
I do like the taste of beer, but more so as accompanying certain foods. I can't imagine having steamed crabs with red wine. That's sounds god awful. I can't imagine whiskey as a right fit. I love beer with Mexican food, and sometimes on a hot day beer is great. But beer is very filling to me, so most of the time one beer is plenty. I can really put away the wine, so it's not a distaste for alcohol. I really can't enjoy wine or whiskey if its too hot but nothing beats a frosty beer on a hot day, but I think this is mostly an American preference. Mr. glitterbag will drink beer, but prefers a good rum. I can't remember ever seeing him drink more than two. The glitterbags youngsters, however, believe beer is one of the food groups. Go figure.
Sat 31 Aug, 2013 02:53 pm
panzade wrote:

Am I off course here?


it's about taste.
0 Replies
Sat 31 Aug, 2013 04:06 pm
I just like wine or booze better, especially good wine or good booze; the really good is way out of my financial reach. Nuthin' to do with calories. I like beer once in a while.
Bought a wee case of six smallish negra modelo about a month ago. Cheaper than the cheap ordinary grocery store cab wine I buy. Took me two weeks to drink it. But that's a pretty blando beer to me. I'd probably like the IPA stuff if I ever explored it, or those Dogfish craft beers from back east.

Last I tried it I liked Downtown Brown, up in California, but that was a while ago.
Sat 31 Aug, 2013 04:37 pm
It's all booze love. Wine, beer, spirits and liqueurs.

Sorry I honestly don't know what you mean when you say booze, if beer's not booze.
Sat 31 Aug, 2013 04:43 pm
When I hear booze, I think of whiskey. Usually not beer or wine. Is there possibly a distinction between fermented and distilled spirits.
Sat 31 Aug, 2013 04:52 pm
Obviously there's a difference, there's four broad groups, but over here at least, they all come under booze.

So in your vernacular, is booze just whiskey, or would vodka qualify? More importantly what alcoholic drinks aren't booze?

Please don't get me wrong, I'm not being argumentative, I'm interested in the difference between our definition and yours.
Sat 31 Aug, 2013 08:26 pm
Vodka, Gin, Rye, Brandy I think of as booze. Getting a license to serve alcohol is tough but doubly so in my State. The Liquor Board only permits a finite number of licenses. I don't have a restaurant so I'm not exactly sure what needs to be done, but a license can be transferred from one location to another. Some restaurants don't serve any alcohol, while others get a limited license to serve only wine and beer. I'd be guessing if I claimed to know. I'm not saying it makes sense, but the Liquor Board wields a lot of power. Only one drug store has a license to sell wine, beer and other types of alcohol in Annapolis. Crazy?you bet. No other grocery or drug store sells alcohol in the surrounding County. However, other counties in the State of Maryland sell beer and wine in the CVS Drug store. I've never seen it in Grocery stores. Maybe that's why I think there is a difference between wine, beer and what's called hard liquor. Haven't thought about it much until I tried to explain it here. I can't defend the practice because it really is non-sensical ...... You can get just as drunk choosing any of the products called alcohol --- crap, my County sounds like its been run by morons.
0 Replies
Sat 31 Aug, 2013 08:29 pm
That would be big news to me.

Pass one of those vodka tonics, GlitterGirl.

(Actually, never a favorite, cough)

Talisker is booze.
Sat 31 Aug, 2013 08:30 pm
JTT will be along to tell me that language changes..
Sat 31 Aug, 2013 08:38 pm
Yeah, it's hard to shake him. I tend to think of him as a gossipy scold. What do you think?
Sun 1 Sep, 2013 07:42 am
I try not to, re him/her, sorry I brought him up.

On booze including beer, not only have I not heard 'booze' used to describe it, I haven't read it used that way. But maybe it is used in beer description lately, or used that way in AA meetings, or used to included beer in England, or I've lived a sheltered life. Wink
Sun 1 Sep, 2013 07:49 am
So, as far as America goes, booze just refers to spirits?

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