Your reply is extremely informative and even though I used the four factors which you agreed with as examples only, it is interesting to note that we found something substantive we could agree on. While you entire post is relevant, I have extracted the paragraph below as exceptionally
noteworthy and has some very key elements that could further our understanding of each other.
Lola wrote:Of course, we all have established certain assumptions about reality that are dependent on our own unique experience. These assumptions were/are true only under certain circumstances. However since most of our assumptions were formed at a very early stage of emotional development, and we've come to depend on these assumptions as true, we take these assumptions to be true, or as fact without recognizing the subjective nature of these "facts." This is why we need logical, rational thought processes to help us recognize those assumptions which are, or were, true under certain circumstances, but are not necessarily true under others. And it is to this logical process which I appeal.
<However since most of our assumptions were formed at a very early stage of our emotional development, and we've come to depend on these assumptions as true or as fact without realizing the subjective nature of these"facts".>
Very true--- if each one of us could "shake out" those assumptions that are false we could progress much more quickly along the path of understanding. Unfortunately I don't see that happening because not one of us could even identify those false assumptions so I'm back to my earlier proposal that we try to identify those factors where agreement can be reached and try to progress from there.
My first step in that regard is to agree with you and Blatham that liberty is the most crucial factor in the pursuit of happiness including freedom of expression and lifestyle. Now would you agree with me that the ACLU makes no attempt to be fair and balanced in the type of cases they take? I seek no hidden advantage here because I believe that to be a true statement-----I merely seek your agreement.