You wrote:
Quote:how the hell do you explode the other person's MISPERCEPTIONS so that we can start from zero? You see my positions as misperceptions and I see yours in the same light.
Your concept of "misperception" is one I think we should talk about. You say I see your positions as misperceptions, but I don't. I think you do see mine that way, but I have a different way of looking at differences of opinion. I see your position as a different opinion from my own. I don't agree with you on most points, but I don't see you as misperceiving. It's like saying someone is "over reacting" or is "hysterical." For me to characterize your position as a misperception would be for me to be denying the validity of your experience. And this is a mistake we all make from time to time, but it is a mistake to assume that I can know what certain political principals or values mean to you. I can tell you what they mean to me. This is why I said the following:
Quote:But I do think we could learn more from each other if we listened and tried to understand. Asked questions and tried to make some sense of the other's perceptions.
I don't see these things as right or wrong. Right and wrong can only be understood in a context. And your perception is the context in which I must try to understand your values. I think you can only understand my point of view if you try to understand the "why" behind my concepts of what works best. It's not a matter of what is right, but rather a decision about functionality.
I agree with Blatham on this. Liberty is an over riding value for me.....within limits, of course. But I define the limits of liberty more broadly than you do. I don't see any harm in questioning traditional values, whether religious or otherwise. If we don't question tradition, how can we learn?
For instance, what possible harm can there be.......really, to the "sanctity of marriage" (whatever that is) if a same sex couple wants to live together and marry, enjoying the same benefits as heterosexual couples enjoy (the right to visit in the hospital, insurance, taxes, etc.)? How is this a threat to heterosexual marriage? This is the sort of question I think we should be addressing. Not whether my perception is more accurate than yours.
Is it, do you suppose, a fear that we'll all so envy same sex couples' way of life that we'll all want to be doing it? I don't see this as a real threat. A person's sexual orientation is based on far more than example. Is it something like the Domino theory? This is hardly a real danger. Is it the fear that children raised by same sex couples will themselves adopt this "lifestyle?" Research does not confirm this fear.
Liberty is the value I hold dear. It was important to the founding fathers, but whether it was or not, I don't care. I want our government to allow for equal liberty for all to define their lives as they choose, free from the judgement and coercion of others.
I expect, perc, that you want the same for yourself. You take comfort in the notion of majority rule, as if this will somehow protect you from the reality that others do not necessarily agree with your perceptions. None of us has this protection. There is a limit to the amount of control we have over what other people think or do. This is a cold hard, apparent fact, of which I know no other alternative.