Thu 31 Dec, 2009 02:12 pm
i am a pro mma cage fighter i walk around at 158 but i just found out i have a fight in 2 weeks at 135 and its my first time at that weight and i dont know how to do it the lowest i have ever been down to for a fight was 146 and i stoped eating and sat in the sauna and lost 10lbs in 2 1/2 days so if there is anyone that can help please do
What's "mma"? Man on Man? Mother on Mother? Midget on Midget? You use the word "pro" so I assume the "a" does not mean amateur. If you stop eating your body will start using your muscle as food - I assume you do not want that. Sauna loss is just water, a few big glasses of liquid and it's back. Are you male or female? How tall are you? Why 135lbs? It seems a very low weight class, from that I assume you are female. Fast weight loss is always bad and almost impossible to keep off.
Human Cockfighting. The problem Oddball is that if you lose too much weight too quickly you will be too weak to fight. Lose weight and be weak and lose or stay healthy. It's up to you.
23 pounds in 2 weeks? Do you need both legs for the fight?
@Robert Gentel,
Even at my most dedicated and craziest I never lost more than 7 or 8 pounds in a week. This is an impossibility without bulimia/surgery.
I notice Oddball has no concept of punctuation or case lettering. I suggest he is already brain damaged and should refrain from fighting.
Avoid having oily foods..
Do exercise & have plenty of water per day ..
Edit- Nevermind, this topic is quite old.
Have more hot water & avoid having oily foods ...
It will increase your weight ...