It seems that Sarah will, indeed, be coming to Hamilton in April. The tickets START at $200.00 per plate.

They have dropped the hospital as the recipient and have now changed to the Charity of Hope to support. That charity is run by the owner of Mercanti Auto Collision in Hamilton. It seems, by the list of organizations that they have helped through their charity that hospitals are still included. I guess this was one work around for the organizers. I wonder if any of the kid foundations will benefit.
Joseph Brant Memorial Hospital
McMaster Children’s Hospital
Oakville Hospital Foundation
Anthony's Angels
City Kidz
Drummond House
Good Shepherd Youth Services
Halton Family Services
Hamilton Downtown Family YMCA
Jennifer Ashleigh Foundation
Juvenile Diabetes
Kerr Street Ministries
Kidsfest Canada
Kiwanis Boys and Girls Club
Nelson Youth Centre
T.E.A.D. Equestrian Association for the Disabled
The Robert Land Community Association
United Way
Hamilton Wentworth School Board
Hamilton Wentworth Catholic School Board
Halton District Catholic School Board
Halton District (Public) School Board
Apostolic Ark Ministries
Children's Aid Society Hamilton
Community Child Abuse Council
House of Hope Society Inc.
Welcome Inn Community Centre
Liberty for Youth
Halton Learning Foundation