53% Gay...must have had more adventures than most of you...tee hee hee...and enjoyed them all!
57% gay, when I take the test as a straight woman. In reality, it's been so long since I had ***, who really knows????
(Who was probably the only person I didn't slut around with in college.. :wink:)
I am now very curious to see what my score is gonna be !!
Gautum, my computer blocks the link too, but all you have to do is go directly to thespark.com, then click on tests, and find it. I got blocked once, but I tried again, and I got through.
And you DON'T have to give them your e-mail and personal information to get in, either.
52%...but since I'm bi.....
Quote:You are 34% GAY!
That's gayer than average for someone of your gender and supposed orientation. The typical straight female is only 32% gay!
I knew that having shaved my head for a birthday, and wearing birks in winter would be a problem :wink:
Quote:people less gay than you (64%)
people just as gay as you (3%)
people gayer than you (32%)
i am an extremely gay man! I am gayer than most gay men. I am Richter scale gay.
Quote:According to the Gay Test...
You are 76% GAY!
The typical gay-man is only 53% gay!
It's almost impossible to find someone as gay as I am, when I am a gay man. I think it's the skirts I wear - and getting my eyebrows 'done'.
Quote:people less gay than you (84%)
people just as gay as you (0%)
people gayer than you (14%)

"Frank, we need to talk. NOW."
this came with my test score.
Actually, I thought the test was pretty silly and self-serving. That business about women and shaving their legs! When I was a hippie chick, I joined the other women who didn't shave their legs, which was pretty silly, since I have very little leg hair and can get away with doing that task once every other week.
BTW, I have a complaint against sheer stockings. I try not to wear them because they are expensive and uncomfortable and are really meant to give "legs men" a good view of their favorite part of the female anatomy.
I only wear them when 1.) my tights don't match my dress/skirt or 2.) it's too warm for tights and convention or the slightly chilly temperature demand leg coverings. I remember the late Princess Diana being criticized for not wearing hose at a function in London during a particularly hot summer day when the temperature was more than 90 degrees. Hell! If Diana was the only woman with common sense, why should she have been criticized? Sounds like envy to me.
The logically equivalent garment to the sheer stocking for men would be shirts with sheer sleeves that would allow women who are in to that sort of thing to ogle guy's biceps. An unbuttoned male shirt is not the equivalent: that parallel to the plunging neckline for women.