Personally fears being unimportant and a nobody, though I'm sure there are other possible reasons.
"You know, I like that you are (list the attributes you admire / use differing phrases eg and I wish I could do <somethings> as well as you...etc),
and I'm curious, how come we end up spending 90% of the time talking about you?"
A hint...use
and (where then and is underlined), not
but infers the preceding sentence is irrelevant.
Other tactics can be used...you can playfully mimic her tactics that she used to get the conversation back onto her (so long as you have something to say that makes sense, and use her joining phrases) eg. of joining phrase : That's just like the time when I...
ie. People don't just ignore what you said...they use a joining phrase to tie in what you said to something in your life...you can mimic her joining phrases back to her, and tie it to something in your life...see what happens (but keep a sense of humour about this - it's not serious).
<in a Yoda like voice> Other ways there are to bring it up