Hello, just wanted to know why you posted this threat. There are a lot of things you can say in French, why, "you made my day"? Reason I ask, I am a retired French teacher and I thought that was interesting. "You made my day"...why that?
Detroit wrote:Hello, just wanted to know why you posted this threat.
Infrablue posted a threat?
Je n'y ai vu aucune menace..
Certainly sorry Sir, as you see I am new to this forum and I've been reading some of the posts that are here and they refer to them as "threats"?
I posted this
thread because the phrase "you made my day" is a pretty common one in English, and wanted to know how best to translate it into Italian.
In my first post I asked why you posted "you made my day" in French, I meant to say Italian. Why do you want to learn how to say "you made my day" in Italian? Knowing that there are a lot of words one can learn in Italian.
That explains it...sorry about my english, not very good. So now that you know how to say those words in Italian, what are you going to do with them? Are you currently learning Italian?
Francis' translation, though not literal, is very good. It gives the feeling of the intended meaning.
There is no real translation for "make my day" in Italian.
In fact, the famous Clint Eastwood/ Harry Callahan phrase "Go ahead, make my day" was translated in the film as "Coraggio... fatti ammazzare": Be brave, make yourself killed.