Well I rememeber some of the cartoons Thunder remembers:
Like the "Bad Guy" from D&D was "Venger" or something like that.
I remember "Spiderman and His Amazing Friends" (who were kind of 'on loan' from the X-Men), I also remember a block of cartoons based on Video Games on CBS.
Tom Terrific, Rocky and Bullwinkle (especially with the scientist and his WayBack Machine), Heckle and Jeckle, Mighty Mouse, Mr. Magoo (of course the original ones, in B & W), Harold and the Purple Crayon, Clutch Cargo (with the photomontage lips that moved when speaking!), ANCIENT Looney Tunes and ANCIENT Disney cartoons, Underdog... ah, the memories!
'Underdog'? Ohmygoodnessgraciousme!
Saturday morning tv
Some of my favorite shows were Land of The Lost, Sigmund And The Sea Monsters, Scooby Doo, The Krofft SuperShow (All the Krofft shows), Shazam/Isis, Run Joe Run, Hong Kong Poohey, Speed Buggy, Flintstones, Captn Caveman, Wheelie and The Chopper Bunch, Emergency + 4, Super Friends, Planet Of The Apes, I could go on and on....
Saturday morning tv
I forgot to mention The Bugs Bunny Road Runner Show, and Fat Albert, two more of my favorites.
My favorites were Bugs Bunny,Smurfs,Snorks,ShirtTales,Wuzzles,and one I remember as being called the Get along gang.
BlaiseDaley wrote: Hellllllp Mr. Wizarrrrrrrd..............
Watch Mr. Wizard was my favorite Saturday morning show. It ran for many years and Mr. Wizard was a wonderful science teacher.
ark -2-the littles
i always liked live action shows on saturday mornings along with the
cartoons one of my favorites was ark-2 about well i can't
all the way remember but the people were moving around in
a futuristic vehicle in the future it looks primitive for today like
the night rider car but it was top notch back then i think the show
takes place after a nuclear holocaust of some sort hence the name
i also liked the littles about i think little people living in walls
i was always fasinated by the way they lived
thenk you for now please reply
When you find yourself in danger
When you're threatened by a stranger
When it looks like you will take a lickin'
There is one thing you should learn
When there is no one else to turn to
Call for Super Chicken!
That is the exact song a radio station plays in their promos and stuff.
I still watch saturday morning cartoons. Well mainly because X-Men: Evolution is one of them and so is Teen titians.
Animaniacs, Tiny Toons, X-Men, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Teddy Ruxpin,. I remember this baby with big teeth and he had a buddy that was like a robot but looked like he was made of blocks--toy blocks-- and they flew around in a baby bottle. Sounds like a 70's trip but it was a real cartoon in the 80's I can't remember the name.
BlueMonkey, what's the connection between that radio station and Super Chicken?
Transformers..... more than meets the eye
Transformers..... robots in disguise
and Thundercats was pretty cool too.
They just play that song when they announce the radio station.
Some of my favourites are/were Spongebob, the 80's Dungeons and Dragons cartoon, Bugs Bunny, Land of the Lost, Beakman's World, the Real Ghostbusters and, while it was on, the Weird Al Show. CBS canceled its whole Saturday morning lineup, killing Weird Al's show.
Re: Some Cartoons nobody has mentioned yet.
Thunderwolf_1971 wrote:Ok,I'm new to this forum,I have noticed that there are several cartoon that I remember,that nobody else does.I can't believe nobody has mentioned Thundarr The Barbarian,Blackstar(You know,the astronaut that ended up going through a black hole and ended up on a strange planet.There was a sword called The Powerstar,which got split into two swords,The Power Sword and The Start Sword)Anyone remember that one?
, Dungeons And Dragons(The kids went on a ride at an amusement park and ended up in a strange land.They were given magical weapons,and had to defeat the evil guy.I Wish I could remember his name),Spider-man,Spiderman And His Amazing Friends,The Incredible hulk,Plastic Man,And who could forget Fang Face & Fang Puss?These were cartoons I loved watching as a kid.I'm sure there are many more that I can't think of right now.They were all very entertaining to me.I wish I could see them again.I have seen Thundarr The Barbaian on Boomerang,but I don't think any of the others have been shown on it.
The bad guy on Dungeons and Dragons was Venger. I had almost forgotten Blackstar and Thundarr. Plastic Man was very groovy, that's one superpower I'd love to have! Fangface! Wow, I had totally forgotten Fangface! How about Speed Buggy and the Laff-a-Lympics?
Saturday morning cartoons
I remember watching the animated "Little Rascals & Richie Rich show" on Saturday Mornings some twenty years ago and my favorite episode was the one where the gang was sprucing up a 19th century riverboat and two of the characters, Darla and Buckwheat applied brushes to their bare feet like sandals and used them like skates to clean the floors (A word to the wise: don't try this at home or you'll dislocate your kneecaps!). It's kind of strange to see Darla, donned in a pink dress and be shoeless briefly on that episode since nobody in real life aged ten or under wore dresses or skirts but no shoes, back in 1984. This would be the style today than twenty years ago.
Actually, what I mean is that today, mainly during the summer, millions of girls don't wear socks - they wear flip-flops or sandals.
Later, Jonathan
I always liked Crusader Rabbit and Rags the Tiger ... they were, BTW, the progenitors of Rocky and Bullwinkle. And Radio ... Sergeant Preston of The Yukon, The Lone Ranger, Tom Corbett, Space Cadet, Boston Blackie, Hopalong Cassidy, Gunsmoke, The Shadow. Oh, and movie serials ... Lash LaRue, Flash Gordon, G-Men ... the list is endless. When I was a kid, the world was different. But then, everyone who ever has been can say that, can't they?