"Clutch Cargo" and "Space Angel" were still-picture cartoons with real moving lips.
I also liked all of the "Supermarionation" shows, like "Supercar", "Fireball XL-5" and "Thunderbirds".
It wasn't a Saturday morning cartoon, but I used to think that "Jonny Quest" was way cool.
Here i go, lettin' the cat outta the bag again . . .
We didn't get no tv until 1956 . . . at which time we got one channel. There were cartoons, but they were all theatrical release cartoons from the '30's and 40's. Personally, having seen what came after, i feel fortunate.
edithdoll ~ I remember almost all the same ones that you do. When I saw 'Mr. Magoo', I almost fell off my chair.....
He was sooooooooooo cute as a cartoon character ~ I didn't like Leslie Neilson's portrayal of him at all.
Sunday night I had a simply fabulous conversation with my niece about Scooby Doo. Much to her mother's dismay, I taught her how to say 'rutt-row' correctly and with zest!
"Rocky and Bullwinkle" for sure.
edithdoll good to see you and welcome to A2k
Thanks for the welcome Joanne, it's great seeing everyone here.
Rae -- I know I agree with you about the Mr. Magoo movie. And re: Scooby Doo -- Oh gosh I say that all the time. And I forgot the Jetson's... They were on locally Sunday morning I think. Didn't their dog Astro say that too? P.S. Haven't seen the Scooby Doo live action movie yet, friends that have did not like it, but the cartoon still lives forever...
Astro and Scooby Doo.....now you've got me testing my memory edithdoll! Oh no!
Don't tell anyone, but I want to see the new Scooby Doo movie..... :wink:
The Jetsons, The Flintstones, Bugs Bunny. The last cartoon I watched religiously was Galaxy High in the mid 1980's. It came on right after Peewee's Playhouse
I remember many, many, many years ago, home during lunchbreak, checking out Bozo's Circus, the kids were playing a game and a chair was knocked over. In clear view, before the camera scurried away, you could read what someone had written on the underside of the chair.
"Bozo is a pimp."
The thought still makes me snicker.
I first began watching t.v. when Howdy Doodey was in its heyday. Some of my favorites were puppet shows. There were "Beany and Cecil the Seasick Sea Serpent", "Fearless Fosdick" and the show which featured Lambchop - "The Sherry Lewis Show." Then there was "The Buster Brown Show", which featured stories about a jungle boy, Froggy the Gremlin and the like. Before we had a t.v. we listened to "The Story Lady", which played records of Looney Tunes characters, Disney characters and many others, one being by the man who would later play Mr. Greenjeans. (Did you know Captain Kangaroo was played by the same man played Clarabelle the clown on Howdy Doodey?) We listened to "Big John and Sparky", Sparky being the little elf who wanted more than anything in the world to be a real live boy. We listened to "Bobby Benson and the B Bar B Riders". When I went to grade school there would be cartoons on when I got home. At first it was a lame cartoon called "Crusader Rabbit". Then it was a bunch of old cartoons, many by U. B. Iwerks, creator of Mickey Mouse. Some of Iwerks' cartoon were about a kid named Willie Whopper. Then "Huckleberry Hound" came along, with supporting cartoons by "Yogi Bear", "Yackie Doodle", "Quick Draw McGraw" and many more. I only watched Mickey Mouse Club to get a look at Annette, who was quite the looker to a fourteen year old boy.
Will no one speak up for H R Puff-n-stuff or Liddsville for that matter...sigh.
Hellllllp Mr. Wizarrrrrrrd..............
favorite show
Gee whiz guys, give us senior citizens a break. Doesn't anyone remember Saturday morning radio????????
Let's Pretend
Mary Jane and Sniffles (with the magic powder) hummmm
Loonie Toons. Still watch the occasional one on TV1.
Hard to pass on the classics.
Anyone else here wish that Blaise would find a new avatar???? Give us a break, friend. We see enough of him as it is.
But I couldn't find one of Rumsfeld.
Hiya seaglass ~ my Dad is a great fan of 'old' radio and he instilled the love of it in me. The stations are hard to come by, though.
Some Cartoons nobody has mentioned yet.
Ok,I'm new to this forum,I have noticed that there are several cartoon that I remember,that nobody else does.I can't believe nobody has mentioned Thundarr The Barbarian,Blackstar(You know,the astronaut that ended up going through a black hole and ended up on a strange planet.There was a sword called The Powerstar,which got split into two swords,The Power Sword and The Start Sword)Anyone remember that one?
, Dungeons And Dragons(The kids went on a ride at an amusement park and ended up in a strange land.They were given magical weapons,and had to defeat the evil guy.I Wish I could remember his name),Spider-man,Spiderman And His Amazing Friends,The Incredible hulk,Plastic Man,And who could forget Fang Face & Fang Puss?These were cartoons I loved watching as a kid.I'm sure there are many more that I can't think of right now.They were all very entertaining to me.I wish I could see them again.I have seen Thundarr The Barbaian on Boomerang,but I don't think any of the others have been shown on it.
ouch , i just realized mylife was such that i forgot all about the latter.
Welcome Thunderwolf! I don't remember any of the cartoons you listed - we must be far apart in age.