Leona wrote
Quote:They can catch a beat down seeing that men are usually bigger and stronger. Their life is at stake.
Shewolf wrote
I totally voted THAT post down..
I can see why. You're intelligent, funny, accomplished,self assured and you'd probably never get in a situation where somebody fucked around on you and gave you a whuppin if you complained.
Whether Leona is real or not is immaterial. There are a lot of women and teenagers and children out there who live in fear of physical aggression. This I found out when I worked with SafeSpace. Why even the firehouses around here are havens for abused women(not men) who fear for their lives.
The saddest part of it is that many of them feel they somehow deserve it. Leona has a lot of anger as was pointed out. And she sure lacks the self confidence many of us take for granted. I feel for all the Leonas struggling to find their strength. I really do.
How many guys plan their route to their car when the mall closes? Parking under a light. Asking the security guy to walk you out. Installing a special security device to warn you that someone is in the back seat waiting to try and rape you? Not me.
How many women?