CalamityJane wrote:
Parents should be parents, period!
I always tell my daughter that I am her mother and not her friend.
She can have tons of friends, but has one mother only.
I can see some possible problems with that.
For instance, I believe that this was the situation between my father and myself.
Undeniably, it was a biological fact that he was my father, but we were not really friends.
Tho we were
peaceful, very seldom quarreling: we did not see eye-to-eye; hence,
when he asked me to give him a lift to Idlewild, I was glad to do it.
That was the last that I saw of him, about 45 years ago.
He complained that I took out too much life insurance on him at the airport.
He said: "I am going to
make it!" He proved to be right.
I don 't believe that we miss one another.
We have only written to one another around once or 2ice over those years.
DO miss some friends whom I remember.
I have several elderly women friends who tell of estrangement from their mothers.
Is this disaffection what u have in mind, concerning non-friendship ?
We know from observation that this alienation is a very real possibility.