Linkat wrote:
Exactly - my "meaness" is when I don't allow her to do something she wants to do -
usually it is in her best interest for me not to allow her.
For example - I would not allow my 7 year old to drive that car -
that could generate a mommy you are mean statement.
But perhaps David feels that a 7 year old should be able to drive (ya never know)
I do not know what your child is capabe of doing;
I have never administered a driving test to her,
nor has she had the chance to practice for the test
that I have never given her.
Presumably, it is against the law of your state
(whichever state that is) for her to drive unlicensed on public roads.
HOWEVER, of whatever interest it may be, for what its worth:
HAVE heard of children on farms being
COMPELLED by their parents
to put in a good day 's work operating agricultural machinery, including tractors, on their farms (private land).
Sincerely, I have no information as to the ages of those children.
My impression was below age 10.
I am no expert on that.