Mon 25 Nov, 2002 12:27 am
All morning installing and reinstalling, booting and rebooting my W98 machine and still my laptop is not connected to the network.
'Twas not all in vain, however, as it inspired me to develop a grand new product which could be THE biggest invention to hit the PC market since the Microsoft Version2 Genetically Engineered Bug: Better than a mousepad, it's The Microsoft(R) 'Cloutpad'!! This ultimate low-tech device will solve all your hardware/software complaints in one, or many, swift strokes. Use a hammer, use your fist, foot, baseball bat, your head, hell this is even compatable with your friends head. Guaranteed to help every installation go no less smoothly than it otherwise well wouldn't anyway! Go ahead, give it a try. Like the old saying goes ... "if in doubt, GIVE IT A CLOUT!"
But that's NOT ALL! Coming soon, the ultimate clout solution for the most acutely infuriating cases: the "Microsoft compatable 'RAMyourRAM' system," which will actually enable you to get in your car, back it down the drive, slam it into first and drive it full steam at your computer to really teach it a lesson.
Order now, and get a free upgrade giving your clout product the appearance of Bill Gate's head!!!
I found my self oddly reluctant to check into this discussion, Monger, without really knowing why.
Now I do.
Only kidding
Hey, were you around when the dos 3.xx bootup procedure included the advise to "strike any key to continue"? There were lots of fun stories about that one.
Heheh! No doubt.
Nah unfortunately I missed out on most of the fun--started a bit later on.
Just for you Roger, here're some great Microsoft links I found
Microsoft Purchases Evil From Satan
Linux Kernel Delayed By Microsoft's Army of Evil Monkeys
Microsoft Announces Ads for BSOD
You HAVE to cajole roger into posting a quote he once posted about Microsoft and vaccum cleaners.
"The day Microsoft makes something that doesn't suck is probably the day they start making vacuum cleaners"
-- Ernst Jan Plugge
Thanks Craven. Forgot that one.