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Reply Mon 16 Nov, 2009 10:35 pm
@Diest TKO,
I've never stated that they MUST be in the military
Allrighty. Women MUST be allowed in the military. Happy ?
that what you are entitled to is having your ego involved.
Only in comparison with you. You are not entitled, I am. Whether I choose to do so is up to me.

Play down your experience ?
Dont be so shocked. You arent fooling anyone.

Why would I need to provide a solution for women being in the military, when I believe they should not be denied access? All the problems they seem to cause in your so called "examples" are of men not doing their job, and you blaming the women for being in their proximity. You are trying to take one person's actions and make someone else accountable for them.
In your example, if the male soldier does not do his job, the women should be kicked out. This argument was doomed from the start.
If they were not there, the damage would not be done. If both are at fault, what is the solution ? To throw out 10 men or one woman ? I am perfectly happy to have a defence force full of women. The men can stay home.
are of men not doing their job
You understand nothing of combat. We are aiming for a positive, where men will fight and die for each other, and you see it as a "job". 'That man there, you didnt fight to the death because of the influence women have on morale..you will be thrown out of the army'. Can you stretch past your PC bias to see the meaning of what you are writing ? Are you so self absorbed in being PC that you can not see you will cause deaths of men who have wives and mothers ? What about their rights ? Are they to be trampled so a lot of tarts can run bare foot through all the boys ? But dont let me pull your head out of the sand. There isnt a problem, is there ?
Diest TKO
Reply Mon 16 Nov, 2009 10:49 pm
Ionus wrote:

Show me one instance where I ignored your angle. Show me where quoting you distorted what you said.

If you wish, I'll do this AGAIN.

Diest TKO wrote:
You described a theoretical situation where a woman's presence is given the blame for what actions the men in the group take or do not take. That is the men's problem, not hers, and it's not her's to resolve for them.

You example is no different than a situation in a corporate environment. Should we not let women in other workplaces too? I work with plenty of men and women and they keep it professional, do you want to say that the military is less professional?

...of which you only replied to the red part with...
Ionus wrote:
Would you reread what you wrote and look at the bias : ... the women only have a presence; the men have actions; pitiful women arent responsible like adults for who they have sex with. If women behave in a non-professional manner that causes conflict within the group, of course women are responsible. One woman having sex with half the unit causes conflict.

...which was one of the most wild red herrings I've seen to date.

Similarly related, you said that...
Ionus wrote:
If you cant see the difference between the military and a corporate environment then I dont know what to say that would help you see the difference.

But it was YOUR example, not mine. Your example lacked any sort of means of distinction. What about a female doctor in a ER? In your wild imagination is she ******* half of the staff too? I guess people should be careful about going to that hospital because her patients might not get helped as much by another doctor she isn't *******. She should have fucked them all or none at all right? It's your example that was flawed, my parallel to the corporate environment was only illustrate that your logic didn't hold.

I said...
Diest TKO wrote:
Private verses pubic concern. Midwives are private citizens offering a service. Soldiers are government employees.

...which you ignorantly replied...
Ionus wrote:
What happened to the military and corporate environment being the same...have you changed your mind?

Which didn't make any sense because I was demonstrating how public and private were different. The point here is that public institutions don't have as many protections that public institutions have. In my corporate example, I was pointing out that your logic was not restrained in any way to the military, and in your midwife example, I replied to how the private business has the ability to make that distinction whereas the public does not.

Pretty much everything I've said in this post, I had already cleared up in this post: http://able2know.org/topic/138327-2#post-3816520

That didn't stop you from continuing to misrepresent me though...
Deist TKO wrote:
If a man was harassing a female radio specialist, I guess she invited the harassment, and the military's real concern should be with the fact that she was there to tempt the man that harasses her?

You didn't like it... but guess what, it is your example. It's a man not doing his job, and the women gets the blame. If you don't like the application of your broken logic, it isn't for me to resolve.

Ionus wrote:
You have fabricated this bullshit and you know it.

...it was YOUR bullshit.

Diest TKO wrote:
I never stated the corporate environment was the same

Ionus wrote:
yes you did, you said...
Deist TKO wrote:
You example is no different than a situation in a corporate environment.
...but you cut my sentence apart...
Diest TKO wrote:
I only was addressing the difference, and I never stated the corporate environment was the same, only that your argument make no distinction.

I was referring to your example being no different than mine and that if it's acceptable to kick women out of military jobs, then it must be acceptable to kick them out of other jobs. I did not claim that the environment was the same, but rather that your example was not contained to that environment.

Lastly, because I don't have all day, and it captures your problem best...
You have repeated your mantra, "women must be in the military because they must be" without stopping to ask am I right. You have been brainwashed in political correctness.

1) I have not asserted that they MUST me.
2) I have not employed a they-must-be argument.
3) I have not employed a argument from political correctness.

I have addressed you from a few angles.

1) Many women have skills the military wants.
2) Your example is of men not doing their job, not women.
3) Military jobs are government/public jobs, and they don't have the legal discretion to deny access like private institutions do.

There you go, with quotes. I won't explain it again. Your concession on the matter of how you've misrepresented me is accepted. If you still don't understand, it's not worth my time to explain it a third time.

Diest TKO
Reply Mon 16 Nov, 2009 11:08 pm
Ionus wrote:

I've never stated that they MUST be in the military
Allrighty. Women MUST be allowed in the military. Happy ?
that what you are entitled to is having your ego involved.
Only in comparison with you. You are not entitled, I am. Whether I choose to do so is up to me.

Dude. Let's get this **** crystal: You aren't entitled to anything. you are just another person.

Ionus wrote:

Play down your experience ?
Dont be so shocked. You arent fooling anyone.

The problem is not that I am playing down your experience, it is that you are attempting to use your experience as if you are entitled to be the authority on the matter.

Get over yourself. You are just another person here. The value of your input will be on the intellectual value of your comments, not your superiority complex.

Ionus wrote:

Why would I need to provide a solution for women being in the military, when I believe they should not be denied access? All the problems they seem to cause in your so called "examples" are of men not doing their job, and you blaming the women for being in their proximity. You are trying to take one person's actions and make someone else accountable for them.
In your example, if the male soldier does not do his job, the women should be kicked out. This argument was doomed from the start.
If they were not there, the damage would not be done. If both are at fault, what is the solution ? To throw out 10 men or one woman ? I am perfectly happy to have a defence force full of women. The men can stay home.

I say throw out the men who didn't do their job. If the woman didn't do her job throw her out too. If she did her job, there is no logic in throwing her out.

Ionus wrote:

are of men not doing their job
You understand nothing of combat. We are aiming for a positive, where men will fight and die for each other, and you see it as a "job". 'That man there, you didnt fight to the death because of the influence women have on morale..you will be thrown out of the army'.

Another civy meme and a self serving and ridiculous non-quote. Hilarious.

We are in charge of our morale. Blaming our poor performance on others messing with our morale is a cowardly excuse.

Ionus wrote:

Can you stretch past your PC bias to see the meaning of what you are writing ? Are you so self absorbed in being PC that you can not see you will cause deaths of men who have wives and mothers ? What about their rights ?

You haven't established how it would be a woman's fault.

If we are going to play this game... YOU will cause the deaths of men who have wives and mothers! You would be responsible, because our support forces responded too slow to get valued intel to the field and an air-strike was not coordinated properly. Too bad the female soldiers who were really skilled weren't in those positions and some guys with lesser skill sat at the consoles. It would have saved lives.

This is easy.
Ionus wrote:

Are they to be trampled so a lot of tarts can run bare foot through all the boys?

The women I know who serve have never run barefoot through all the boys. welcome to reality.

Ionus wrote:

But dont let me pull your head out of the sand. There isnt a problem, is there ?

The main problem, I see is that you want to address things that are already addressed.

Sexual misconduct already has procedures.
Failure to do one's job already has procedures.

Reply Tue 17 Nov, 2009 02:06 am
@Diest TKO,
When I read your reply I thought you have to be joking. Does that verbal bullshit pass for logic where you are ?
You example is no different than a situation in a corporate environment. Should we not let women in other workplaces too? I work with plenty of men and women and they keep it professional, do you want to say that the military is less professional?
You cant help but attempt to spin on everything. Being a soldier is not a profession. Military Officers are a profession. If women screw around in the workplace (and they do, depending on the workplace - ever heard of the entertainment industry) then they get fired if it has a negative effect. In the military, getting fired can not occur because of your sex life. If it did, it might be saving your life. At least it might be getting you out of difficult circumstances.
...of which you only replied to the red part with ..
Is this a new rule ? I have to reply in total but you dont ?
You example is no different than a situation in a corporate environment.
I objected to this because the military is unique and you commented :
I don't see a unique problem in having women soldiers.
To which you objected to my quoting, crying foul...
....but you cut my sentence apart...
See the full stop ? What does that mean to you ?
the women only have a presence; the men have actions
Why choose those words ? If your english is bad, find a native language web site. Saying women have presence but men have actions is white washing womens role. They are just lying there arent they ? They are not responsible because they have no actions, just presence. If you cant understand that then ask someone.
But it was YOUR example, not mine. Your example lacked any sort of means of distinction. What about a female doctor in a ER? In your wild imagination is she ******* half of the staff too? I guess people should be careful about going to that hospital because her patients might not get helped as much by another doctor she isn't *******. She should have fucked them all or none at all right? It's your example that was flawed, my parallel to the corporate environment was only illustrate that your logic didn't hold.
Is that a big enough quote for you ? Your example has nothing to do with the military. You are off on a tangent. Let me know when you come back. My "flawed" example (of which there were two, not one) can be supported with others if you like that sort of thing. Your "perfect" example is about civilians. Yet you maintain the two are different. You really should think at some stage before posting.
The point here is that public institutions don't have as many protections that public institutions have. In my corporate example, I was pointing out that your logic was not restrained in any way to the military, and in your midwife example, I replied to how the private business has the ability to make that distinction whereas the public does not.
So you dont care if women or men suffer discrimination so long as it is not in the military.
Deist TKO wrote:
If a man was harassing a female radio specialist, I guess she invited the harassment, and the military's real concern should be with the fact that she was there to tempt the man that harasses her?
You didn't like it... but guess what, it is your example. It's a man not doing his job, and the women gets the blame. If you don't like the application of your broken logic, it isn't for me to resolve.
This, dummy, is your example. If you want to say it is my example then USE MY EXAMPLE. Or I might have to say you have been..
continuing to misrepresent me
Your concession on the matter of how you've misrepresented me will be accepted when you give it.
Which didn't make any sense because I was demonstrating how public and private were different.
Yet you continue to argue how being in the military should be treated like any other job. You even give an example from civilian life. Try to make sense would you.
It's a man not doing his job, and the women gets the blame.
There you go again..poor women need protection. It is your example dummy, you draw whatever conclusions you like from it. It is theoretical, something you said about my example but you are wrong. My examples actually happened. Lets look at what you said here...
You (public) example is no different than a situation in a (private)corporate environment.
And compare it with here ...
Which didn't make any sense because I was demonstrating how public and private were different.
???? Keep up the medication.
3) I have not employed a argument from political correctness.
Your argument is 100% politically correct. Where did you think it was from ? The Romans ?
1) Many women have skills the military wants.
We already agreed on this. What is your point ??
2) Your example is of men not doing their job, not women.
Do you think it is a womans job to **** half a unit ?
3) Military jobs are government/public jobs, and they don't have the legal discretion to deny access like private institutions do.
Because it is Politically Correct, something you tried to convince me was not your argument.
No ego involved on your part ?
This is some ridiculous nonsense. AND Dude. Let's get this **** crystal: You aren't entitled to anything. you are just another person. AND Get over yourself. You are just another person here. The value of your input will be on the intellectual value of your comments, not your superiority complex. AND Another civy meme and a self serving and ridiculous non-quote. Hilarious.
All because I said :
Ionus wrote:
You tried to play down my experience. Somehow you got your ego involved. I am the one entitled to have their ego involved, I put up with this rubbish that you say must not exist because it is politically incorrect.
Well it does exist.
What is your understanding of the word ego ? Perhaps you should look it up.
But dont let me pull your head out of the sand. There isnt a problem, is there ?
The main problem, I see is that you want to address things that are already addressed.
Sexual misconduct already has procedures.
Failure to do one's job already has procedures.
It really looks like you are saying there isnt a problem.
In your example, if the male soldier does not do his job, the women should be kicked out. This argument was doomed from the start.
I am not talking about "doing a job ". I am talking about combat. You are still imagining a clerical world. Stop changing the subject. I was here first. But you already know the military is a different environment. You said so, remember ?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 17 Nov, 2009 02:27 am
@Diest TKO,
Ionus said:
Does anyone remember the "Love Boat" from the first Gulf War where women got pregnant to avoid duty ?

Women have destroyed any semblance of professionalism in the military. I dont know about the US, but here they get their choice of posting so they can be with their family if they get pregnant. They dont have to go on exercise or do guard duty/picket duty because they have to go home and take care of the child. This puts more stress on the male members and their families. They serve less time than the males and they cost far more in support, like medical.
I had one female who was having sex with my CO. Is she a bad soldier and do I write her a bad report and suffer on my report ? Is she a good soldier and do I write her a good report and earn the CO's favour ? How do I distinguish between the two having been compromised ? What if the CO had put pressure on her to have sex ? What if he didnt pressure her but later when it falls over she tells his wife and Brigade Commander that he did ?
If we were short men I could understand it but we are not that desperate. If they have "after sex guilt" it is common for them to claim they were raped, especially if it gets them back home.
And now the situation will be even more complex with gays.
An all male hunter group has been destroyed so some women can run bare foot through the boys. Lots of fun if you like men.

There has been a dramatic rise in the number of female drivers to staff officers. On a totally different track, are you aware Ike was screwing his female driver ? Chosen specifically for him. It is not a military, it is a dating service.

I had one female soldier who was having it off with two male soldiers at once every night on exercise. Someone told her husband who thinking I was invincible, said I was the one who told him. She set about taking me up on fraud charges on a seperate matter which didnt work of course as I wasnt guilty. Eventually it all settled down and she returned to her husband and two preschool children.

Want more true stories, each more unbelievable than the last ?

Doctors are not allowed to sleep with patients, that sort of thing. The military have a long way to go. In the civy world, if someone is guilty they can be brought up on charges and drummed out. In the military world, throwing someone out of the military may be exactly what they want. What if a woman gets pregnant to avoid combat ? Is that a self inflicted wound ? What happens to the child ? Does the father have to pay child support if she was using him to commit a crime ? Should we conscript women or are they just playing soldier to get at the men - they dont want to go to war. Any women reading this, how do you feel aboput being conscripted and does it give you the right to stay home because you have a baby, like at the start of the thread ? What about men who have young kids ?

One of my soldiers was about to get married, it was a very happy occasion. He recieved a letter saying for the next 17 years he was to pay one third of his wages in child support and maintenance. Two years back, a woman made a very determined effort to get him into bed. She wanted to get pregnant so she wouldnt have to work everyday and he was fit, strong and reasonably good looking. Initially she refused to tell the government who the father was (she didnt really know much anyway) but was forced to or her support payments would be stopped. He was eventually tracked down. What happened to his body, his choice ?

The only thing I have seen women contribute that a man couldnt, is sex. And now with the new policy on gays, men can do that too. Sex is very disruptive and can destroy morale. Female soldier : "I wil have sex with you, you and of course you, sir, but not you or you". When the bullets start flying we will see what this has done to group cohesion.

Why dont we have entire female units ? Because they dont want the job, they want to run barefoot through all the boys, tee-hee ! What sex mad young woman wouldnt want her choice of fit, healthy young men ? About 10:1 is rather good odds. They are known as ground sheets because they are there to lie on.
For your convenience, DTKO. Now show me where I said it was their (women's) fault ? You would need the wisdom of Solomon to sort it out, and I have many more examples, each one juicier than the last. Explain to me the application of
Sexual misconduct already has procedures.
Failure to do one's job already has procedures.

Why cant we have entire female units ?
0 Replies

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