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Twitter abuzz with Albuquerque's October snow
October 29, 4:58 PM
Albuquerque City Guide Examiner
Megan Eaves
Early October snow hits Albuquerue
As snow fell across the Duke City on Thursday, Albuquerque Twitter users (Tweeps, as they are known in Twitter-land) were flitting with excitement. It seems everyone is ready for the early arrival of winter. Although New Mexico's northern areas and high altitudes often see winter storms early in the year, snow in Albuquerque at this time of year usually means we're in for a good ski/snowboard season. Whoopee! For more on Albuquerque's climate, see 'Albuquerque 101: What to pack'.
The wintry excitement generated a rash of tweets about the falling powder and prompted many Albuquerqueans to snap photos from their phones or digital cams. Twitter user @Rubberducks commented that the city looked like a shaken-up snowglobe. Others, such as @jxime, @niecylunn and @angecorral were surprised and delighted to find snow falling by mid-afternoon. Still others were slightly dismayed at the early arrival of winter, such as @ch1l3ch1ca, who tweeted, "Snowing in Albuquerque. I hope it goes away before tomorrow or I am going to freeze in my costume."
A frenzy of photos flew up on Twitter as the afternoon progressed. It seems most Albuquerque residents were quite happy to see the white flurries and couldn't wait to document them. As @reverendmitton put it, "The snow is epic in Downtown Albuquerque. It needs to start sticking."
@gabeweed - "Snow coming down here in Albuquerque" Photo
@Wildecat101 - "Albuquerque in October? Yeah, right!" Photo
@HuntWorks - "A nice Albuquerque snowstorm" Photo
@dcoffing - "Albuquerque's weather in October ... it might be a good ski season." Photo
@simplerobb - "Albuquerque snow" Photo
@dlwest65 - "Downtown St. Paul, I mean Albuquerque. Snowing madly." Photo
@lovelylora18 - "All bundled up and covered in snow in Albuquerque." Photo
@able2know - "Halloween snow in Albuquerque" Photo
@ashdhart - "I am in Albuquerque NM. We have been having snow off and on since yesterday. A real treat!" Photo
In true Albuquerque form, however, the snow storm didn't last longer than an hour and only gave us a dusting of powdery white goodness. By 3 PM, blue skies were peeking out again and it was as if the snow had never happened. Oh well, until January...!