OmSigDAVID wrote:
Intrepid wrote:
I understand messes. I am raising three children that their "mom and dad" did not want.
If all of u want that and like it,
then that is a good thing.
Richard wrote:
Quote:It is not a question of want or like.
Your post shows
confused thinking.
Whether thay
want u and
like u and vice versa
is extremely important to the viability of your relationship.
If u chose
NOT to raise them, if u did
not want to do it,
u coud freely walk away from doing so, mind your own business
and let the chips fall where thay may. If u
DO it, that shows that
u like to do it, otherwise u woud not do it.
Richard wrote:
Quote:It is a matter of someone has to do it.
CAN be u, but it need not be u.
Depending on the circumstances and their ages,
thay might attend to their own needs, or use an orphanage, etc.
If u had never been born, presumably something else woud happen
(unless, of course, u r one of their ancestors,
in which case thay 'd not exist).
Richard wrote:
Quote:It is not what is good for us, it is what is good for the children.
When I said:
"If all of u want that and like it,
then that is a good thing" I meant
ALL of U, including the children.