@cicerone imposter,
I just saw that you will be visiting Gettysburg . Its a wonderful piece of history and I go there sevreal times a year to get a dfeeling of the history imposed on the area. When you return you should make a detour to see the area of the Wrightsville Bridge, which was burned down to offer Lee no escape into the farmfields of Lancaster County.
The entire campaign inretrospect was stupid and the topography and drainage sho how Lee could have been thwarted with very little loss of life.
You should, as Fatima said, avail yourself of all the things that are aside the main ourist destinations (Liberty Bell,Carpenters, ) There is the Wyeth Museum in Chadds Ford, The hed of the Chesapeake Bay at the town of Northeast Md,
The leaves are officially off the trees and were down to b are bones so you wont be assaulted by the thing that shocks most Westerners (the masses of green). Were like a deciduous rain forest.
On your return from Gettysburg a small stop at the town of STarsburg and the surrounding low hilled farmlands is a treat. Youll actually be closer to my place when youre near STrasburg and thetown of Quarryville.
SOme other things that are an Applachian version of natural scenes that you see out in Cal.
Del WAter Gap.
Dingmans Falls
Cape MAy and the ferry to Lewes Del (Its a nice all day trip that takes you between two tourist towns that are really nice in the off season)
Turkey Point Lighthouse (easily gotten directions are on the websites for Turkey Point)
Princeton , University of Pa, University of DEL.(There are probably more colleges and universities within a 50 mile radius of Philly than anywhere else in the US)
____In case ya want to get creeped out, the Mutter Museum in Philly
The BArnes collection in Ft Washington (This collection is going to be moved in 3 yers when the new Barnes Museum is built on the ARtPArkway in Philly). Itll be next to the great Phila Museum of ARt.
(I dont think a visit to the Philly ARt museum is a worthwhile exercise because its another one of those art "Overloads" like MOMA, or the NAtional Museum, Boston, Chicago or Getty, or Orlando. Im kind of jaded by these huge mega collections with no theme. When the bArnes will be built, it will be dedicated to a major collection of modern art. PWRIOD.
The Brandywine Museum in Chadds Ford is also a comfortably sized museum dedicated to the major students of Howard Pyle (prim focus being the entire WYeth Family)
WINTERTHUR-if youe into decorative arts and antiques , this is THE place in the whole US. Its a major antique furniture mueum and restoration research center for conservation of heritage artifacts.
HAWK Mountain A neat ridge of the Appalachians that collect the hawks on their annual flight SOuth (and North in the spring). Most hawks except buteos are already migrated but the views are spectacular from an APpalachian mountain sense.
ALL of the view sites are , of course contingent upon favorable weather. I recently took Thomas on a trip North to the Appalachians and it was a bleak rainy foggy day. HE still doesnt believe that this mountain range even exists.
If theres anything re: sites you want info on, I pwrehaps can help, and Id be happy to now that your trip is less than a week away.
Philly itself can keep you busy but remember, its just another big city with stuff hidden in nooks and crannies.
The hackney cab tours are under scrutint by the Philly Papers all the time. The Inquirer always has some investigative reporters out to see who's horse and buggy tour of old town is the most ridiculous (Apparently the tour guides have been caught dispensing really insane information to tourists and the papers want to have some accountability for guide qualifications) Theyd like tests or some exercise of proficiency be shown. IF PEOPLE ARE TOO STUPID TO NOT KNOW The BASIC HISTORY OF THE REVOLUTION, what the hell are they doing taking the horse and buggy tours anyway.
The naval yard has old WWII ships stashed . These are best seen from the highway and the bridge ferom the Airport, thye dont warrant a special trip anymore than does San Diegos shipyard or Groton Conn.
PM me and Ill give up anything else I can in the way of information so your days are a whirlwind of sites.
DRESS WARMLY, early November can be a bitch in the area.