Fri 17 Oct, 2003 05:28 am
Obviously it would be completely impossible for Presidents Bush or Sharon to prevent every murder or other serious atrocity in America or Israel. Indeed, it is questionable if they can actually prevent any?
Yet they demand this of Yasser Arafat, a man confined permanently by force to his home and possessing none of the personal freedoms of action available to either Bush, Sharon or any other national leader.
Since only the Almighty would be capable of such miracles, simple logic suggests that Bush and Sharon must believe Arafat to be possessed of God's divine powers unavailable to ordinary mortals.
In which case, why are they constantly attacking this greatest of all men they should be worshipping? Or could it be that they are simply agents of Satan?
Or, slightly more likely, are their demands pure madness?
Way to support the wrong team.
He could create some laws and then actually try to enforce them. Instead, he rewards the terror organizations through granted power and money donations. If he would step aside and let someone more moderate control the Palestinian security forces then maybe progress could be made.